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Caprock Canyons well worth hiking trip

Few things are as enjoyable as hiking. There are a number of reasons for this, but at the top of the list is its simplicity. A decent pair of boots and a backpack are all you need to get started.

And so it was on the MLK holiday that I grabbed those bare necessities and jumped in the car with a friend for a day of pure enjoyment at Caprock Canyons State Park.

Now, I know Palo Duro Canyon gets a lot of love from practically everyone, and rightly so. I make at least one Lighthouse Trail pilgrimage a year, and I've never been disappointed.

That said, if you've not made the trip to Caprock Canyons, it is well worth the time. It's roughly 100 miles from Amarillo or Lubbock, just a few miles north of Quitaque.

It is a jewel in its own right, and, at least on my handful of trips there, I've always felt like I had the place to myself. It is perfect for social distancing, hiking trails for all levels and great views wherever you look. It's just more than 15,000 acres, the third-largest state park in Texas, and it is home to the Texas state bison herd.

We were reminded of this about two minutes after checking in at the park headquarters. As we came around a corner, we encountered about a half dozen bison moving at their own pace down the road. A reminder: Bison always have the right of way, whether you're in a state park or not, and these magnificent animals are best admired from a distance - the greater the distance the better.

As we stopped our vehicle and watched them amble by, I was reminded of a note I saw one time following a recent trip to Yellowstone Park. They were disappointed the animals didn't put on a better "show" for them. Remember, it's nature, which can be violently unpredictable. Give animals their space and life is smoother.

Anyway, once that parade ended, our objective on this breezy, sunny day was a 7.5-mile trip from the canyon floor to the rim and back on the Upper Canyon Trail loop. The eventual payoff is spectacular views from the top (once you get there), and we enjoyed a nice side trip to Fern Cave that turned out to be the perfect spot for lunch, insulated from the wind.

A few disclaimers. Hiking should be an enjoyable activity for everyone in your traveling party. Like anything else, it's best to slowly work up in both distance and trail difficulty. This particular park also has shorter, less demanding, trails, and the one we took requires some level of fitness (I'll explain why in a moment). The two primary hiking rules I live by are this: Never hike alone and always overprepare for any hike.

Almost everyone has read a story about the hiker who only intended to be gone a couple of hours before taking a wrong turn here and getting lost for days. Too often, these stories end in tragedy. As someone who has been lost, albeit briefly, let me assure you it's always wise to have more food and water than you need as well as emergency supplies like a flashlight, a whistle and an emergency blanket.

You just never know.

We started at a parking area near the South Prong campground and moved toward the far northwest corner of the park. The trail is well-marked and, on this day, included a handful of not-too-serious water crossings before you begin to wind your way up toward the canyon rim. There were a number of places on the climb that required me to use my hands to ensure my balance along the way.

I've hiked here a handful of times over the past 10 years, and one glorious Sunday morning, we even moved our Petersburg United Methodist Church worship service to the park. That was such a good day, no one even seemed to mind the sermon ran a wee bit long.

This time, though, we were on a trail I'd not traversed before, and there are some tricky spots here (at least for a person of my size, mobility and age) so don't be in a hurry. This one includes warnings about how hikers assume the risk on the climb. It's nothing too terrible, just a few places where taking extra time pays off. I was also happy to complete this trip without the terrible lethargy that plagued a September trip up Guadalupe Peak. Sure, the altitude gain was much less, but my energy level was significantly higher throughout this time.

Whenever I hike in a group, one person is required to keep their telephone powered down, just in case there's an emergency.

Consequently, at least one person is in charge of snapping pictures and later making sure other members of the party receive those photos. We were on the trail for the better part of four hours, and throughout that time, we saw maybe a dozen other hikers.

I say that to point out just how isolated the park is. If someone is in a hurry and cracks an ankle or falls and cracks a tailbone, you may be able to call for help, but it's most likely going to be a while before anyone gets to you if you can call. Another great advantage to hiking here in the winter is the extremely low probability of running into Mr. Rattlesnake, who has been known to show up during the other seasons.

It was a glorious day, another advantage of living in West Texas, where you can get out and enjoy the great outdoors with a light jacket in the middle of January. Hiking offers me the opportunity to unplug from the job and plug into God's creation. If you haven't made the trip, or been there lately, I encourage you to plan one.

When it's over, you'll thank yourself for the experience.

Doug Hensley is associate regional editor and director of commentary for the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.