Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
I did not like “Green Eggs and Ham.” I thought the book to be a scam.
I knew that it could not be right for all the eggs I'd seen were white.
I was then too young to see the humor in absurdity. The notion of an egg gone green seemed a most distasteful thing.
But I did so love that scruffy cat with the yellow fur and floppy hat.
His face would twist into disgust when offered up his green breakfast. It did not matter what time or place he would not have a single taste.
Until many days had long gone by he finally gave green food a try.
His eyes then sparkled with delight after having eaten just one bite.
What looked to all like spoiled meat was to his mouth a tasty treat.
The moral here is plain to see and it's not one of food safety.
For if you eat a ham that's green you will end up in the latrine.
The moral is about assumptions, taking risks and having gumption.
Don't assume an object's wealth until you see it for yourself.
I read many books then by Geisel and think that they all served me well. Until that time I did not know the places books would let me go.
Along with helping me to read they taught other things I'd need
About learning to share with others and treating strangers like they're brothers. Those basic lessons still hold true but now there's a problem or two.
Drawings meant to make us titter now come across as mean and bitter. An Asian man with slits for eyes and straw hat pointed to the sky.
Or African men ready to feast drawn to look less man than beast.
I don't know what was in the heart of the person who made that art.
Probably didn't give much thought to the pain they might have wrought. I suspect back then they couldn't tell that their drawings would not age well. Not all, of course, it was only six books to be taken from the mix.
Cue the howls from the angry right craving a culture war to fight.
None of these changes can be good they're an attack on my childhood.
But we really need not think that way some things said back then were not OK.
So we've cut six of his books loose that does not mean we've canceled Seuss.
Walter Rubel is the former opinion page editor of the Las Cruces Sun-News. He lives in Las Cruces, and can be reached at: