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Lubbock Planned Parenthood offers abortions

LUBBOCK — The Planned Parenthood Health Center in Lubbock started offering abortion services on Thursday.

Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas says patients seeking an abortion can access abortion services at the Lubbock clinic, in addition to the services already being offered. Those services include annual wellness exams, breast and cervical cancer screenings, birth control, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections to prevent HIV transmission, and other reproductive healthcare.

When Planned Parenthood announced the opening of its Lubbock Health Center last fall, included in the announcement were plans to expand services in 2021 to include abortion.

Abortion services hadn’t been available in Lubbock since 2013, when the previous Planned Parenthood clinic closed. Since 2013, the nearest abortion provider had been in Fort Worth — about 300 miles away.

Early voting for the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance began Monday. The ordinance seeks to open Planned Parenthood up to private lawsuits for compensatory damages. The Lubbock City Council voted the ordinance down, saying it was unconstitutional, but it now heads to a public vote.

Autumn Keiser of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas said the organization does not have any information about potential litigation.

Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas opened its 24th clinic in the state in Lubbock last year. The new location is at 3716 22nd Place in Lubbock’s hospital district.

“All are welcome at Planned Parenthood, regardless of insurance, documentation status, income level, where you live or who you love,” Ken Lambrecht, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, said when it opened. “We want you to come here for care ... Planned Parenthood is a trusted brand. We are experts in healthcare. We are experts in education.”

In-person and telemedicine healthcare appointments can be booked online at