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Thank the Lord for prayerful mothers

I’m pretty sure without my mother’s prayers I wouldn’t be here today.

Maybe when I get through the pearly gates I’ll know for sure just how many times the prayers of an earnest mom saved my life or kept me from the devil’s doorstep.

We celebrated the National Day of Prayer last week followed immediately by Mother’s Day. I kind of think there’s some divine intervention at work there because I doubt that any prayers are more earnest, pleading and heartfelt than those of a mother.

For some it starts before motherhood praying to be blessed with a child. Mary the mother of Jesus had to pray for faith when she learned she would give birth to the Messiah.

Consider the prayers of the mother who learns before or soon after the birth of her child that something is wrong, the child might not survive or might live with disabilities. There’s nowhere else to go but prayer when you get that kind of news.

I can imagine the prayers of a godly woman as she sends her kids off to school - the separation and the concern for their safety and the concern for their growth and development.

Soon her child hits their teen years and begins to drive and socialize more outside the home. Will they pick up addictions? Will they be hurt by romance? Will they become trapped in depression, fear or pain? I have a feeling my mother’s prayer life grew by bounds in my teen years.

A child gets married or takes a job across the country and there’s even deeper separation. That separation - I think that’s probably what worries a mother most. Wanting to hold, touch and talk with their child, even when grown.

Wanting to make things better.

I appreciate more every year how strong and prayerful my mother is as she ages. She suffered separation from her husband by death way too soon, she picked herself up and eventually went on with life. She’s enriched herself through educational opportunities and friendships and travel. At times over the last 10-15 years she’s looked after and done for her children more than we’ve been able to look after her.

She recognizes how important it is to pray more and more as she ages. It’s the best way to serve her family and her friends.

I know the pandemic this past year drove that home to her and probably lots of you. She’s had numerous family members hospitalized with serious problems and she’s been forced to stay home and endure more separation, even separation from a daughter, and daughter-in-law who both had extensive hospital stays this past year.

We may all very well be here this Mother’s Day just because she prayed without ceasing for her family.

She’s given us so much over the years but this last year we received the most - her prayers.

Pray for your mom today, whether she’s still on Earth or not. Thank the Lord for prayerful mothers.

Karl Terry writes for Clovis Media Inc. Contact him at:

[email protected]