Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Officials vote to continue stipend

PORTALES — Roosevelt County Commissioners quickly approved a measure continuing a premium pay stipend for its detention center personnel through the rest of 2021.

Following the request from Detention Administrator Justin Porter, commissioners voted 4-0 to continue the $150 stipend per pay period. County Manager Amber Hamilton said the costs would be covered through federal dollars for pandemic expenses.

Porter said detention center employees take on a tough job without COVID-19, and staff have taken more than 500 tests and adopted COVID-safe procedures for more than a year.

The stipend, Porter said, has been helpful in recruitment and retention.

“We have filled the majority of our (open) positions,” Portales said. “We have other people going through training right and now, and we have people in the steps of applying.”

The stipend requires an employee to work at least 86 hours during the respective pay period, and is prorated for those who fall short on the hours.

In other business at the Tuesday meeting, which The News covered virtually:

• The commission approved a resolution opposing an executive order from President Joe Biden that would place 30% of U.S. lands and 30% of U.S. waters under federal jurisdiction by 2030.

Hamilton told commissioners other counties in the state had already passed similar resolutions, and that local landowners have proven to be good stewards of the land. Prior to the vote, Hamilton said she would share the resolution with the county’s congressional delegation and the Bureau of Land Management.

• Commissioners approved an award of approximately $607,000 to K. Barnett and Sons for storm drainage improvements at the county fairgrounds.

• A pair of software agreements were reached with Tyler Technologies, totaling $132,735.

• County Treasurer Layle Sanchez said the county has exceeded 95% collection on second-half property taxes. Entering June, the county had $606,000 in outstanding payments and has worked it down to $441,000.

• In her manager’s report, Hamilton introduced the commission to Sarah Austin, recently hired as Portales’ new city manager. Austin said she looks forward to working with the commission.

“I love your city and your county,” Austin said. “Everybody’s very welcoming.”

• Commissioners met for 20 minutes In executive session to discuss litigation and personnel matters, and took no action in regular session before adjourning.

• The next meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. July 8.