Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Vandals hit Clovis Aquatic Center

CLOVIS - Vandals over the weekend broke glass and tossed pool supplies and other equipment into the pool at Clovis Aquatic Center. City officials estimated damages exceeded $10,000.

The damage was discovered about 7 a.m. Sunday. Police said the vandalism occurred sometime after 5 p.m. Saturday.

"The vandalism of parks facilities is extremely upsetting," said Parks and Recreation Director Russell Hooper in a news release. "The Parks and Recreation Department works extremely hard to provide quality facilities to the public, and it is very disappointing to see acts of vandalism of our public places."

Officials said the Aquatic Center is expected to reopen today after being closed Monday and Tuesday for repairs.

Clovis police said a similar incident occurred at the Aquatic Center on June 18. In that case, a single window was broken and vandals gained entry and threw multiple items into the pool.

Police said both incidents are being investigated by the department's Special Operations Unit. They ask anyone with information contact the PD at 575-769-1921 and request to speak with the Investigations/Special Operations Unit. Anonymous information can be relayed through Curry County Crime Stoppers at 575-763-7000.

Vandalism at city parks properties was among topics discussed late last month at a Parks, Recreation and Beautification meeting.

Hooper told committee members that damage to park bathrooms, including lighting and plumbing fixtures, is constant.

Hooper also said he sees graffiti in the parks' facilities and in some cases needles in toilet paper dispensers.

City officials took no action at the committee meeting but vowed to address the issues after compiling more data.

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