Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past, Jan 12: Anybody want to buy a Cushman scooter?

On this date …

1962: From the classified ad section in the Clovis News-Journal:

“Wanted: Excellent opportunity for advancement with a national loan company. Prefer a man around 25 years of age. Must be a high school graduate. Good starting salary with car allowance. A liberal plan of company benefits. Apply (at) Associate Loan Company, 520 Pile.”

“For sale: 17-inch Motorola TV, $45; Cushman scooter, $125. 616 W. Christopher.”

“Apples for sale. Rome Beauties & Black Bens. $1.50 and $2 per bushel. Dickerman's Orchard, 3 miles SE of Fort Sumner.”

“Whole milk — 65 cents per gallon. Also eggs. Smith Dairy. 1 mile north, _ west of La Fonda. Open 4 to 7 p.m. weekdays.”

“Nice 1 bedroom unfurnished house. $35 per month, water paid. 813 E. 13th.”

“Baby sitting. 2 children — 8 hours for $1.50; 1 child $1.”

Pages Past is compiled by David Stevens. Contact:

[email protected]

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