Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past, Jan. 26: Sertoma Club aimed for 'better citizens'

On this date …

1952: The Sertoma Club was having “considerable success in providing underprivileged Clovis youth with an opportunity to develop physically, mentally and morally into better citizens,” according to the Clovis News-Journal.

“The club’s members are beginning to reap their reward in the satisfaction they get from observing the improvement in the health, appearance and manners of their young charges.”

One example cited by the newspaper: Volunteers were working with about 30 boys at the National Guard armory and had formed a boxing team.

“In the course of the past year, the club helped about 100 underprivileged school children in various ways,” the newspaper reported. “With the proceeds from last year’s Golden Gloves tournament, it bought and gave to those who most urgently need them clothes, shoes and hot lunches – 15 of them every week at La Casita school.”

A club member who was not identified said the Sertoma Club was “not a welfare agency. … (W)e do try to help those kids take part in our program by giving them something more than just a place to train in and a trainer.”

Pages Past is compiled by David Stevens. Contact:

[email protected]

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