Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Publisher's notebook: Plan to be cold

The National Weather Service is predicting 2-3 inches of snow across eastern New Mexico starting Wednesday morning.

Clovis’ Emergency Management Director Dan Heerding warns snow might not be the worst part of this storm.

“The big thing or big concern I (have) is the extreme cold on Thursday morning, Thursday during the day and overnight Thursday to Friday …” he said.

Temperatures will hover near zero, forecasters say, and with 20-30-mph winds blowing the snow around, Heerding predicts it could feel like 14-below zero early Friday morning.

Friday’s daytime temperature may not reach freezing.

Here are some cold-weather safety tips from the National Weather Service and New Mexico’s Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:

1. When you are outside, frostbite and hypothermia are possible.

• Wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing.

• Wear a hat. Try to stay dry and out of the wind.

• Cover your mouth to protect your lungs from extreme cold.

2. To keep pipes from freezing:

• Let hot and cold water trickle or drip at night from a faucet.

• If you plan to be away:

i. Have someone check your house daily to make sure the heat is still on to prevent freezing, or

ii. Drain and shut off the water system (except indoor sprinkler systems).

3. If pipes freeze:

• NEVER try to thaw a pipe with an open flame or torch. Use a hair dryer instead.

• Always be careful of the potential for electric shock in and around standing water.

4. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a silent, deadly killer claiming about 1,000 lives each year in the United States.

• Install a carbon monoxide detector.

• NEVER run generators indoors.

• Open a window slightly when using a kerosene heater and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

• NEVER use a gas oven to heat your home.

5. Wood-burning stoves, fireplaces and heaters:

• Always keep a screen around an open flame.

• NEVER use gasoline to start your fireplace.

• NEVER burn charcoal indoors.

6. Animal and pet safety:

• Bring pets inside.

• Keep salt away from paws

7. Avoid driving during storms. If necessary:

• Check your battery, fluids, and tires

• Have jumper cables

• Pack a blanket, a flashlight, and emergency food and water

• Make sure your phone is charged before leaving

• Residents can monitor road conditions by dialing the New Mexico Road Advisory Hotline at 5-1-1 or by visiting .

David Stevens writes for Clovis Media Inc.

Contact him:

[email protected]

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