Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
In the race to be governor of New Mexico, five Republican candidates are on the ballot for the June 7 primary, each one hoping to be the party’s representative to challenge incumbent Michelle Lujan Grisham in November.
The job pays a base annual salary of $110,000 according to the New Mexico secretary of state’s office.
Jay Block
Q: Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the job of governor of New Mexico?
A: People around the state tell me they want, leadership, experience and trust.
I have a deep leadership background as a retired lieutenant colonel in the U. S. Air Force commanding nuclear organizations and organizing and leading humanitarian missions in Afghanistan.
I also have the leadership experience in private industry leading teams and leadership on the county commission pushing policies that have led to our county being the fastest growing, Rio Rancho being named the best place to live and Corrales the safest.
That is a record of experience, trust and leadership.
Q: Why are you running as a Republican?
A: I am running as a Republican because I believe in strong borders, the sanctity of life, personal responsibility, compassion and a caring hand for those who need help, and a government that is not intrusive in our lives, churches and businesses.
I believe in a strong military, responsible deregulation, protecting constitutional rights, lower taxes, equal rights, supporting law enforcement, bail, and school choice.
Q: What are the most pressing issues in New Mexico?
A: We have too many issues that negatively affect our people.
We must reform schools and the curriculum immediately since we are last in education and #1 in high school drop out rates.
We must bring back bail and qualified immunity for our law enforcement/first responders.
We must secure the border, invest in more mental health and drug addiction in-patient capabilities to reduce homelessness and crime.
We need tax reform that favors small business.
We must overturn the 30x30 executive order to protect our ranchers, farmers and oil and gas workers as well as our water rights and much more.
Q: What is the governor’s job?
A: The governor’s authority is found under Article V of our state constitution.
Some of these areas describe the governor as the top executive that prepares budgets, appoints officials to various positions, oversees economic development, state planning, the state’s educational systems, declares emergencies and overseas energy policy.
The governor is the leader of the state who must advocate protecting our rights, protecting the public from those that will do harm, returning more power to local school districts, appointing competent people with the right experience to numerous departments, boards and commissions that will do what’s right instead of what’s political.
Q: What is the purpose of government?
A: I believe in a limited government that does not intrude into the lives of its citizens.
The basic role of government is to pass and enforce laws as well as ensuring the protection of the rights of its citizens, providing public services, providing national security while protecting its borders, setting economic policy and aiding those who need help, providing and supporting infrastructure, and setting certain regulations to guide industries.
Rebecca Dow
Q: Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the job of governor of New Mexico?
A: I am the proven conservative who wins big in a Democrat district. I created 78 jobs in my community despite the state’s regulatory climate. I know what it will take to set New Mexico’s economic climate free. I am the only candidate who knows regulations and where the red tape needs to be cut, and I’m the only candidate with legislative experience. I am ready to govern on day 1.
Q: Why are you running as a Republican?
A: I fell in love with Ronald Reagan and have been a registered Republican since I was 18. The party reflects the value of everyday New Mexicans, whether they realize it or not. The party promises to protect the American Dream, secure our borders, achieve energy independence, and the ability of hard work to pay off. The Republican Party is the party of family values and parents. We back the blue -- we believe in funding law enforcement and protecting the rule of law.
Q: What are the most pressing issues in New Mexico?
A: The most pressing issues are border security, crime, getting New Mexicans back to work, ending emergency health orders ... We are an energy-rich state and we should embrace it. Land and vegetation management is critical, and our water situation must be addressed immediately.
Q: What is the governor’s job?
A: We need smaller government and more freedom. It’s the governor’s job to give power back to the people, and to protect the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the New Mexico Constitution. The governor should listen to people across the state who have solutions to the problems we face and can set New Mexico’s potential free. Job Number 1 is to get the government out of the way.
Q: What is the purpose of government?
A: Government’s job is first, to do no harm and to protect rights of individuals. The government should protect national sovereignty, serve the public, assure the rule of law and public safety and protect the American Dream. The government should uphold the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the New Mexico Constitution.
Ethel Maharg
Q: Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the job of governor of New Mexico?
A: Because I have the most experience.
Because when I left the mayorship of Cuba there was almost $2 million in the town’s accounts. Economic development I encouraged 16 years ago is still there.
I have the experience to get the job done. In fact I am the only candidate with executive branch experience.
I am a great motivator. I have the ability to motivate large groups of people.
By motivating it is very cost-effective.
I am tenacious.
Q: Why are you running as a Republican?
A: The party platform aligns more with my values.
Q: What are the most pressing issues in New Mexico?
A: “Breathing life into New Mexico” is my motto as I am staunchly pro-life and it is the issue of the day.
The pressing problems are: Crime is out of control, schools are sub-par and that affects our economy. If you want to build a strong economy you can’t do it with failing schools and rampant crime.
We have lot of issues in the state.
We have walked away from God. We have forgotten that this country was founded on biblical principles.
Q: What is the governor’s job?
A: To protect you from government.
To build strong relationships, and I’m good at that.
Also to provide infrastructure.
Q: What is the purpose of government?
A: The purpose of government is to aid people in pursuing their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It’s not to lord over people.
Mark Ronchetti
Q: Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the job of governor of New Mexico?
A: I’m an outsider who will always be on the side of hard-working New Mexicans. New Mexico is an amazing state, but the politicians have let us down. We don’t need more political elites – we need leaders with character and integrity who will listen to people, understand their concerns, and fight tirelessly on their behalf for the change we need. That’s what I will do.
Q: Why are you running as a Republican?
A: I am running as a proud conservative because I believe in the values that we share throughout New Mexico. Like many, I believe that elected leaders in New Mexico too often put politics ahead of the people they represent. I’m running for governor because I believe the people of New Mexico are ready for change. Mediocrity is no longer an option. Republicans are the party of school choice, individual responsibility, small businesses, and personal freedoms. I support families and small business owners, not special interests and national agendas.
Q What are the most pressing issues in New Mexico?
A: My top three priorities are securing the border, fighting crime, and improving our schools. I will secure the border by deploying the National Guard and creating a Border Strike Force to target and disrupt the drug and human trafficking cartels. I will fight crime by ending “catch and release,” supporting our men and women in law enforcement, and ending the current state of lawlessness by putting real teeth in our laws. To improve schools, we will get money directly to the classroom, empower parents, and help catch kids up from the learning losses they suffered from the COVID shutdown.
Q: What is the governor’s job?
A: The governor serves the people of New Mexico. As your governor my focus will be simple: fight to empower and encourage small businesses; fight for parents and kids to ensure they get the education they deserve; take our rapidly growing crime rate seriously and take the steps necessary to make our cities safe and our border secure. Most importantly, I’ll be a governor who listens to eastern New Mexico and works with you to find solutions for New Mexico’s challenges.
Q: What is the purpose of the government?
A: The number one purpose of government is to lay a foundation for success, but then let New Mexicans and Americans do what they do best: innovate and work hard. Government is best when it is small and efficient. A bloated bureaucracy does nothing but feed on itself and bleed taxes off of hard-working New Mexicans who know better how to spend their own money. I’ll bring common sense back to state government, create a business-friendly mindset to create jobs across the state, and ensure our kids get a good education.
Greg Zanetti
Q: Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the job of governor of New Mexico?
A: Leadership. I’m a West Point graduate and was the commanding general at Guantanamo Bay. I have led thousands of troops and civilians in a complex and high-profile command.
I understand public safety and border issues.
I am the only candidate who runs a for-profit business and understands how difficult the state makes it for small business owners.
I believe all this money-printing is going to end badly and will lead to rising crime and social unrest.
We need a governor who understands how to take New Mexico from worst to first in this environment.
Q: Why are you running as a Republican?
A: I’m a life-long Republican because my own values most closely align with the GOP.
I am pro-God, pro-Constitution, pro-life, pro-gun, pro-law enforcement and pro-securing the border.
I am anti-mandates, anti-CRT and anti-men competing in women’s sports.
In short, I’m the anti-woke candidate for governor. The Democrat party has become too extreme and too out of touch with every day, hardworking New Mexicans.
Q: What are the most pressing issues in New Mexico?
A: Rising crime, an open border, high taxes, underperforming schools and a struggling economy are all preventing New Mexico from reaching its potential.
I believe that there are two other important issues that do not generate enough attention – water and energy. No water, no life. No energy, no economy. No economy, and there is no money for roads, schools, police, etc.
Much of my economic plan is centered in the rural parts of the state. By combining the latest technology in water desalination and nuclear energy, we can not only offer trade jobs, but high-tech jobs as well.
Q: What is the governor’s job?
A: The governor is the CEO of the state and the commander-in-chief of its military forces. That’s why we need a governor with executive leadership and military experience, and I’m the only candidate with both.
In addition, the governor is responsible for preparing the state budget, which is currently $8.5 billion. I’m an investment advisor by trade and have managed billions of dollars in assets.
Finally, it is the responsibility of the governor to ensure that our laws are faithfully executed and, when necessary, moderate the actions of the Legislature.
Q: What is the purpose of government?
A: First and foremost, it is the responsibility of government to provide safety for its citizens.
The government should be working to attract new businesses, while concurrently providing existing businesses with a regulatory environment that is conducive to success.
A good, strong government works for the people and not the other way around.
Generally, power should be given to local governments and support for those municipalities should be provided by the state and federal governments.
— Compiled by Grant McGee and Steve Hansen, The Staff of The News