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Roosevelt County attorney submits resignation

Portales attorney Randy Knudson has handed in his resignation as county attorney for the Roosevelt County government.

Knudson’s resignation letter was submitted to Roosevelt County Manager Amber Hamilton the afternoon of June 13, the same day as a regular county commission meeting in which two county commissioners, Rodney Savage and Tina Dixon, voted against the matter of renewing Knudson’s contract for another year.

In his resignation letter Knudson noted the three to two commission vote writing, “If two of the five commissioners believe that an RFP (“request for proposal”) is [in] order then I fully support the commission’s right to choose, even if a majority voted to approve my agreement.”

Commissioners and county officials said they weren’t clear why Knudson resigned. He did not return messages seeking comment.

District 4 Commissioner Dixon, who voted for an RFP for the county attorney’s services rather than renew Knudson’s services wanted to make it clear that she always has tried to do what is best for the county and her constituents.

Knudson is with the law firm of Doerr & Knudson in Portales; Knudson represents Roosevelt County and Stephen Doerr represents the city of Portales.

“There’s been some mention of conflict of interest with Doerr and Knudson,” Dixon said of one representing the county, another representing the city.

Dixon added that she can’t make an informed decision without knowing who may be interested in the county attorney’s position, their qualifications, or their proposal (RFP).

“I would rather explore our options,” Dixon said.

Roosevelt County Treasurer Layle Sanchez says she has not read Knudson’s resignation letter and said she was shocked about his leaving.

“I’ve worked with Randy over the years,” she said. “I have nothing but high regard for him.”

Sanchez noted how Knudson was always readily available and sometimes he wouldn’t charge for legal work he did for Roosevelt County.

“It’s almost like losing your family doctor,” Sanchez said. “Now you have to rebuild with someone who doesn’t have all that background and knowledge.”

In his resignation letter to Hamilton, Knudson wrote, “I have enjoyed my time working especially with you and the Commission and I wish you and Roosevelt County all the best in all future matters.”

Knudson’s last day as county attorney, according to his letter, will be June 30.

At the June 13 commission meeting District 3 commissioner and commission chairman Shane Lee reminded commissioners before the vote on Knudson’s contract how difficult it was to find a local attorney for the county attorney RFP.

Lee spoke of getting proposals from Albuquerque and Tucumcari, that Knudson was the only local attorney who offered his services as county attorney.

Hamilton spoke of Knudson’s services to the county in acknowledging his resignation. Saying he served Roosevelt County since 2015, noting his “over 40 years experience.”

“He has a very in-depth understanding of local government operations,” Hamilton said.

Knudson’s services were used on many county business dealings including employment matters, documents and more. He handled tax disputes, law enforcement matters and more.

Hamilton noted Knudson always acted with the highest level of integrity and objectivity.

“His role won’t be easily filled, “ Hamilton said.

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