Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
*Blood drive — 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Chapel 2, Legacy Church, 3401 N. Norris St., Clovis. Register online at Advance appointments strongly recommended; all donors must arrive wearing masks. Information: 877-258-4825
July 25-29
*Vacation Bible School – 6-8:30 p.m., University Baptist Church, 1012 W. 15th St., Portales. Open to ages 4 through completed sixth grade. Information: 575-356-4501
*Movie Monday: “Moana” – 10 a.m., Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Rated PG; 2016; 1 hour, 43 minutes. Information: 575-769-7840
*Splashing Good Time: Play Your Way – 10:30 a.m., Portales Public Library, 218 S. Ave. B, Portales. Games and STREAM (Science, technology, reading, engineering, arts, math) for kindergarten through sixth grade. Information: 575-356-3940
*Family Movie Night at the Library: “Deep Blue” (2003; G; 1 hour, 31 minutes) – 6 p.m., Ingram Room, Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Popcorn provided; snacks and blankets welcome. Information: [email protected] or 575-763-9687
*Vacation Bible School – 6-8 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday followed by cookout, High Plains Baptist Church, 2800 E. 21st St., Clovis. Open to kindergarten through sixth grade. Register by July 25. Information: Matt Wood at 575-749-1535
*Coastal Creations: “Tiny Creatures” – 10:30 a.m., Portales Public Library, 218 S. Ave. B, Portales. Crafts and experiments for second through sixth grade. Information: 575-356-3940
*Lego Club — 1 p.m., Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Information: 575-769-7840
*Ocean Canvas Art – 2 p.m., Portales Public Library, 218 S. Ave. B, Portales. Open to teens in grades 7-12. Information: 575-356-3940
*Evening storytime – 6-7 p.m., Presentation Area Room 105, Golden Student Success Center, ENMU, Portales. Open to ages birth through 12; all interested parties welcome; children must be accompanied by a caregiver, ENMU student, or parent; limit of 40. Information: ENMU Office of Distance Learning at [email protected] or 575-562-2165
*Free Family Night at the Interactive Science Museum — 6-8 p.m., portable building on the northeast side of campus off Trades Road by Clovis Community College, 417 Schepps Blvd., Clovis. Activities for elementary-aged children. Information: 575-769-4909
*Tiny Tots storytime – 10 a.m., Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Information: 575-769-7840
*Storytime on the Seven Seas: “Sharp Sharks” – 10:30 a.m., Portales Public Library, 218 S. Ave. B, Portales. Preschool storytime. Information: 575-356-3940
*Percy Jackson Blue Food: closing party for young adult summer reading program – 2 p.m., Portales Public Library, 218 S. Ave. B, Portales. Open to teens in grades 7-12. Information: 575-356-3940
*Preschool storytime – 10 a.m., Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Information: 575-769-7840
*Voyager Visits: The Ocean Adventure presents “The Mexican Great White Shark Expedition” – 10:30 a.m., Portales Public Library, 218 S. Ave. B, Portales. Open to all ages. Information: 575-356-3940
*Battle of the Badges blood drive — 12:30-5:30 p.m., Ingram Room, Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Register online at Advance appointments strongly recommended; all donors must arrive wearing masks. Information: 877-258-4825
*Movie Madness: “Jungle Cruise” (2021; PG-13; 128 minutes) – 2 p.m., Portales Public Library, 218 S. Ave. B, Portales. Open to teens in grades 7-12. Information: 575-356-3940
*New York Times bestselling author Darynda Jones event – 5:30-6:30 p.m., meeting room, Portales Public Library, 218 S. Ave. B, Portales. Presentation by the author, followed by meet and greet and book-signing; free swag, door prizes, refreshments. Information: 575-356-3940
*Spoiler Alert teen and pre-teen book club meeting – 6 p.m., Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Discussion of “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline. Information: 575-769-7840
*Career Planning – 9-10 a.m., Room 216, Golden Student Success Center, ENMU, Portales. Open to ages 15 and up; free; enrollment limited to 10. Examine free resources to help search for and plan for a job. Information: ENMU Office of Distance Learning at [email protected] or 575-562-2165
*Wave Goodbye to Summer Reading closing party – 10:30 a.m., Portales Public Library, 218 S. Ave. B, Portales. Open to all ages. Information: 575-356-3940
*Grand opening and ribbon cutting – 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Mental Health Resources, 1100 W. 21st St., Clovis. Dedication, tours, refreshments. Information: 575-769-2345
*Battle of the Badges blood drive — 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Ingram Room, Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Register online at Advance appointments strongly recommended; all donors must arrive wearing masks. Information: 877-258-4825
*Border Town Days 5K and 1 mile run/walk – 7 a.m. (Mountain Time), First Baptist Church, Fifth Street, Farwell, TX. Entry fee $15 for 5K; $10 for 1 mile; profits go Texico-Farwell Senior Citizens to assist with yard care and housekeeping for those needing help. Information: Carolyn Johnson, Texico City Clerk at 575-482-3314
*Border Town Days – 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (Mountain Time), Texico and Farwell. Parade begins at 10 a.m. (MST) in Griffin Park, Texico, and finishes in City Park, Farwell. Arts and crafts, food booths, live music, barbecue served by Texico/Farwell Rotary Club. Information: or call 806-481-3681
*Blood drive — 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Bloodmobile, Walmart, 1604 E. Spruce St., Portales. Register online at Advance appointments strongly recommended; all donors must arrive wearing masks. Information: 877-258-4825
*Children’s games wrap party – 2-5 p.m., Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Information: 575-769-7840
*Force of One Mixed Martial Arts championships – 5:30-11 p.m., Curry County Events Center, 1900 E. Brady St., Clovis. General admission $20-$40; VIP tickets $100; VIP tickets with dinner $131.25. Tickets available at Information: 575-309-7119
*Adult services game wrap party – 6-9 p.m., Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Information: 575-769-7840
July 31
*Deadline to nominate a residence or business for the Clovis Yard of the Summer Contest – 5 p.m., online at Public may vote on nominated yards from Aug. 1-Aug. 7 online at or Winning residences and businesses will be announced via Facebook after the voting period, and the winners will also be
recognized at the Aug. 18 city commission meeting. Information: City Manager’s Office at 575-763-9670
*Deadline to apply for Leadership Portales 2022-2023 – 5 p.m., Roosevelt County Chamber of Commerce, 100 S. Ave. A, Portales. Nine-month program for 20 local adults; meets one full day each month September through May. Tuition $400; includes course materials, shirt, logoed portfolio, travel, and meals; a limited number of scholarships are available. Information or to apply: Karl Terry at 575-356-8541
Aug. 1
*Free preschool screening clinic — 9 a.m.-noon, San Jon Municipal Schools, Seventh Street, San Jon. Sponsored by Regional Education Cooperative #6 and open to children ages birth to 5 in the San Jon school district. Information or to make appointment: Stormi Sena at San Jon Schools at 575-576-2466
Aug. 2
*Free preschool screening clinic — 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., by appointment only, Melrose Municipal Schools, 100 Missouri Ave. Melrose. Sponsored by Regional Education Cooperative #6 and open to children ages birth to 5 in the Melrose school district. Information or to make appointment: Trish Saulsberry at Melrose Schools at 575-253-4266
*Free preschool screening clinic — 9-11 a.m., by appointment only, Texico Municipal Schools, 520 N. Griffin St., Texico. Sponsored by Regional Education Cooperative #6 and open to children ages birth to 5 in the Texico school district. Information or to make appointment: Debbie Ulibarri at Texico Schools at 575-482-3492
*Blood drive — 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Bloodmobile, Roosevelt General Hospital, 42121 US 70, Portales. Register online at Advance appointments strongly recommended; all donors must arrive wearing masks. Information: 877-258-4825
*Ladies’ prayer retreat – 5:30 p.m., Living Word Church of God, 2101 E. 21st St., Clovis. Sponsored by the Christian Woman Connection. Bring a salad. Information: Bonetta Hutson at 575-218-1914
*Evening storytime – 6-7 p.m., Presentation Area Room 105, Golden Student Success Center, ENMU, Portales. Open to ages birth through 12; all interested parties welcome; children must be accompanied by a caregiver, ENMU student, or parent; limit of 40. Information: ENMU Office of Distance Learning at [email protected] or 575-562-2165
*Clovis and Portales Farmer’s Markets – locally grown fresh fruit and vegetables. Clovis Farmers’ Market – 8 a.m. Saturdays and 5 p.m. Tuesdays, Dillard’s parking lot, North Plains Mall, 2809 N. Prince St., Clovis. Portales Farmers’ Market – 5 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays, corner of South Avenue B and West First Street, Portales. Information: Margie Plummer at 575-356-3565
*Pintores Art League Artists of the Month displaying for July and August at Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main, Clovis, are Sandi Chitwood and Ann Johnson with watercolors, acrylics, and oils. Information: 806-946-9221
*La Casa Family Health Center Summer Food Service program – Providing free healthy balanced breakfasts and lunches for children at multiple sites in Clovis and Portales Monday through Friday through Aug. 5. Adult meals available for $5. Children must eat lunches on site. Information: 575-359-3764
*Food Bank of Eastern New Mexico TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) provides regular food distributions to Clovis and Portales. Income eligibility requirements apply. Information: or 575-763-6130
To place an item on the events calendar, call the newsroom at 575-763-6991 or e-mail: [email protected]