Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Candidate Q&A: New Mexico House Representative, District 64 part 2

Longtime Clovis Mayor David Lansford and longtime Clovis-Portales District Attorney Andrea Reeb are seeking the New Mexico House District 64 seat open with Randal Crowder’s retirement.

Lansford is running as an Independent, Reeb as a Republican.

This is the second in a series of Q&As with both. Candidates were asked to limit answers to 150 words.

Absentee and early in-person voting for the general election is set to begin Oct. 11. Election Day is Nov. 8.

Andrea Reeb

Q: I realize these are complex issues, but in 150 words or less for each topic, tell us your positions on:


Reeb: I’m pro-life and believe that the innocent among us should be accepted and protected.  

I would support any pro-life legislation, because I believe life begins at conception.  

New Mexico is currently the late-term abortion capitol of the world. My focus would be ending the barbaric practice of late-term abortion. Those who support such practices are out of touch with the majority of New Mexicans.


Reeb: I’m a strong supporter of the Second Amendment because I believe that people have the right to defend themselves.

This aligns with who we are as Americans and with our natural rights, which are protected by the Constitution of the United States.  

I would not support any legislation that limits a citizen’s right to own any type of firearm.


Reeb: I am a strong supporter of upholding the rule of law. As someone who has been involved in law enforcement all my life, having a strong, secure border is essential to a safe society.

I am a strong supporter of legal immigration.

David Lansford

Q: I realize these are complex issues, but in 150 words or less for each topic, tell us your positions on:


Lansford: I believe in the sanctity of life. Therefore, I believe life begins with fertilization. At this miraculous moment, the newly forming life inside the mother’s womb is now a separate and distinct human life with constitutional protections.

I do not support the use of any hormone or device that ends a pregnancy unless the mother’s life is at risk as in the case of an ectopic pregnancy.


Lansford: My position on guns is clearly stated in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. To be clear, the militia is the people’s defense against government tyranny and foreign invasion. Keeping and bearing arms is necessary and should never be infringed upon in order to secure a free state and to provide for self-defense.

Most gun-control advocates are being misled to believe that taking guns away from respectful, law-abiding citizens will make communities safer. The opposite is true. When sheep have no defense, they get eaten by wolves.

Thankfully, over 1/3 of the U.S. population own a gun. In my opinion, our country would be much safer and freer if 75% of the law-abiding citizens owned a gun.

No additional limits on gun ownership or gun possession should be passed into law. No limits should be placed on the private transfer of a gun to a family member or trusted friend.


Lansford: I support immigrants gaining U.S. citizenship when the federal government policy is lawful, orderly, and provides the necessary screening and education to ensure the immigrant will pledge

allegiance to the United States of America and obey its laws.

— Compiled by David Stevens

The Staff of The News

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