Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Our People: A career in doing more

For the last seven years, Quentin Ray has called Portales his home. Ray, a Grady native, and his wife Ashley (originally from Roswell) are in a busy chapter of their life. Time not spent at work is dedicated to their kids' sport practices and creating memories as a family of five.

For Quentin Ray, his time at work is spent managing the cases assigned to him at the District Attorney's Office in Roosevelt County. He recently received the Professionalism Award from the State Bar of New Mexico.

Q: What made you want to be an attorney?

A: I always had it in the back of my head that I could go become a lawyer. I like talking, and I'm good with public speaking, and so I kind of always had it in the back of my head. Then when I graduated from New Mexico State as an ag econ major, I started looking at jobs. My options were things like working for chemical companies, or running a grain elevator. I felt like I could do those things. Or I could do more than that.

So the idea was to just see how the (Law School Admission Test) would go. I decided I would take it and see how I'd do. I did well, and I thought that pursuing a legal career seemed to fit all the things I liked doing: talking, helping people, and then studying the rules and figuring out how they work and how we apply them.

I'd love to say my decision was based on a desire to help people, but it doesn't always happen in real life like that. It's really more of a, "Well, what am I gonna do?" kind of question and, "What would I be good at?" That was a lot of it. Also, getting to argue with people sounded like a good time.

Q: You recently were awarded the Justice Pamela B. Minzner Professionalism Award by the State Bar of New Mexico. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

A: It's essentially for attorneys who are a great example of professionalism. Judge Minzner was a Supreme Court Justice and one of the things that I've learned about her was that she had an ability to be kind to people. I think really that's the idea behind this professionalism award. I think it's really aimed at the ability to be well respected and kind to everyone. That's kind of how I look at it.

The award is in recognition for trying to treat people fairly and justly, and being honest with our co-workers. That's something that as lawyers, our image struggles with. Nobody likes lawyers because people think they're all liars, or just out trying to make a buck. I think that's what this award is for, to give recognition to people who are genuinely trying to make the profession better. ...

To receive this award is pretty humbling.

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering a career in the legal profession?

A: There was this joke in law school; someone said, "My first mistake was going to law school, my second mistake was not quitting the first day."

At a law conference I was recently at, there was talk about the regret of choosing the career and how people try and dissuade others from going to law school because you know -- the work requires long hours, and it's not nearly as glorified as it seems on TV. And it's not near as much money as everybody thinks you should make.

But, I love what I do, and not just at the DA's office. Because to me, being an attorney allows you to help people in a way that nobody else can. And that's the part that's kind of cool. You know, it's a noble profession. Founders of our country were, most of them, lawyers. Nobody else does what lawyers do -- whether that's child custody, or fighting for victims, or standing up for people's constitutional rights. So my advice to someone considering a legal career would be to really pursue it, and job shadow. I don't think that enough people do that in their life. But definitely, it's a noble career.

Q: What is your very favorite thing about living in Portales?

A: This is a corny answer but it's the people and the friendships we've made -- the connections we've made to the community. That's what really makes a place feel like home. So for me, it's the people of Portales. I feel like we're at home with the community. Also, McCarty's Chicken Basket. I do think Portales can go toe-to-toe with Clovis' food scene.

Q: What advice would you go back in time to give yourself 10 years ago.

A: Spend more time with your family and friends, enjoy them. Put down your phone and really enjoy being with those people that you love. And then, watch how much you eat and exercise better. That same advice that you'd give yourself 10 years ago is really the same advice we ought to live by now.

Q: If you won the lottery today, what would you do?

A: I would probably travel. I don't know that I would quit my job, just because I feel like I'd need to do something. But I would love to just travel and see the world, go and spend time exploring.

Q: If you could meet anyone from history, who would you choose?

A: That's easy, the answer is Jesus. Elvis would be cool, Thomas Jefferson would be cool, Rush Limbaugh would be cool -- but then it's like, Jesus! Jesus would be the one you'd want to talk to. That's who I'd go back and meet. I think I would just be in awe at being in the presence of God.