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Clovis passes ordinance toward water project loan

Clovis city commission moved a step closer Thursday to officially having a $15 million loan to contribute to the Ute Water Project.

The action in the form of an ordinance happened at Thursday's regular session of the city commission.

There was a question as to where the $15 million would be going once it was acquired.

Mayor Mike Morris said that Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority executive director Orlando Ortega had noted where the money would be spent with presentations and graphs. Clovis city manager Justin Howalt said the funds, the city's contribution to the Ute Water Project would be used for such things as land acquisition, easement acquisition, design work, running power to needed areas of the project and other earmarked purposes.

In other business Maggie Lansford and Jenny Hanson from the Clovis Action Team announced winners in the Clovis coloring contest.

First place went to Sean Childers, 10, whose winning entry would be made into postcards.

The top winners picked up awards and prizes.

Jan Salazar-Chairez from Zia Broadcasting and Hillcrest Zoo director Damian Lechner appeared before commissioners to talk about the sixth annual "Boo in the Zoo" event coming up at the Hillcrest Zoo Sunday, October 30 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

This will be Lechner's first "Boo in the Zoo" and he mentioned the amount of money raised last year: $5,048. He hopes this year's event will bring in more to help the zoo.

Commissioners spent time discussing re-zoning at 801 and 803 Cameo so a single-wide mobile home might be located there.

District 3 commissioner Helen Casaus brought up how the property was once an eyesore but owner Fabian Amaro, who was at the meeting, had made a big cleanup effort on the land.

Amaro was moving his mother into a mobile home on the property.

While there were some in the neighborhood who were concerned about a mobile home lowering property values the complainers complimented Amaro on his cleanup efforts.

In the end commissioners voted unanimously to allow the zoning change.

Commissioners approved a full-service liquor license for 512 East Llano Estacado Blvd., future location of Texas Roadhouse Cafe.

Morris proclaimed October as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Clovis.