Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Opinion: GO Bond 3 benefits students, economy

Dear fellow New Mexicans,

As the presidents of Clovis Community College and Eastern New Mexico University, we want to outline the benefits of General Obligation Bond 3 in the Nov. 8 General Election and why it deserves the support of the citizens of Curry and Roosevelt counties.

First and foremost, the students of both campuses need and deserve high-quality learning environments. Passage of Bond 3 will allow higher education institutions in Curry and Roosevelt counties to receive $10.685 million for needed facilities and campus enhancements.

There will be no tax rate increase as a result of this bond.

Clovis Community College will receive $1.685 million for infrastructure improvements, including improved drainage and needed repairs to parking lots.

Eastern New Mexico University will receive $9 million toward the construction of a new Student Academic Services building, with offices for enrollment services, counseling and career services, financial aid, advising, and many more services for students.

$10.685 million + your support = big benefits to students and our communities!

Passage of the GO Bond is an important step toward our recovery from the pandemic and the only way this level of funding can come to our communities. The dollars we receive from the GO Bond recycle several times through our local economies. Construction workers eat, shop and stay in town, and construction companies buy materials from local vendors. This adds gross receipt and lodgers tax dollars to our budgets and keeps our tax rates low while improving public education assets. Everyone in Curry and Roosevelt counties benefits from the boost to our local economies from the Bond 3.

Campus improvements and expansions also help CCC and ENMU remain competitive with other New Mexico and Texas schools. Well-maintained, attractive facilities bring students to live in the area and provide better educational opportunities for you, your neighbors, the local community, and everyone in our region. They encourage graduating high school seniors to stay in eastern New Mexico to attend college, pursue careers and contribute to the vitality of the area. They also encourage others to return to college to seek a certificate, job training, or complete a degree.

With early in-person and absentee voting beginning Oct. 11, please send a message that Curry and Roosevelt counties are firmly committed to supporting students and higher education by voting on Bond 3. Thank you for helping us support the future of our students, our communities, and New Mexico.

Robin Jones is the acting president of Clovis Community College. Contact her at:

[email protected]

Patrice Caldwell is the chancellor of the three-campus Eastern New Mexico University System. Contact her at:

[email protected]