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Jones to remain CCC's interim president for now

CLOVIS -- Robin Jones will remain as interim president of Clovis Community College until at least Nov. 2, when the college’s board of trustees meets again. Trustees made the decision on a 4-0 vote Wednesday at their regular meeting.

Trustee Laura Leal abstained from voting. She said she believes CCC President Charles Nwankwo should be reinstated until an investigation spurred by employee “no confidence” votes in May has been completed.

Jones was named interim president at a special board meeting on Aug. 8; those duties were extended at the board’s Sept. 7 meeting and again on Wednesday.

The board placed Nwankwo on administrative leave on Aug. 3.

In early May, several employee groups at CCC filed resolutions and letters expressing “no confidence” in Nwankwo’s leadership, stating Nwankwo “has shown to be an incompetent administrator and has demonstrated a remarkable degree of unprofessionalism in conduct and behaviors.”

Further, the resolutions stated, Nwankwo “has done much damage to the operation and climate of Clovis Community College,” adding that the college “cannot fulfill its mission with him at the helm.”

An Albuquerque law firm, Cuddy and McCarthy, has been conducting the investigation into Nwankwo’s alleged misconduct since late May.

Nwankwo could not be reached Wednesday for comment. He has previously declined to answer questions about allegations against him.

At Wednesday’s meeting, the board also:

• Set fees for the 2023 spring semester that show cost stability across the curriculum, compared to the current fall 2022 fee schedule. Jones said some fees may change before the semester begins.

• Approved calendars for the fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters. For the fall, classes for both the first eight-week and 16-week terms will begin on Aug. 21, 2023. The first eight-week term in 2023 will end Oct. 13 and the 16-week term will end on Dec. 8. The second eight-week term will begin Oct. 16 and end Dec. 8. For the spring semester 2024, classes will begin Jan. 16 for the first eight-week and 16-week terms. The first eight-week term will end on March 8. The 16-week term will end May 10. The second eight-week term will begin on March 11 and end on May 10.

• Approved the college’s application for Research and Public Service Program grants through the New Mexico Higher Education Department.

Norman Kia, vice president of Information technology and operations, told the board the college will seek $356,000 for nursing program expansion to accommodate 16 more students with faculty and extra equipment; $172,500 to accommodate 12 more students in welding programs, where there is a two-year waiting list for the current 20 positions; and $94,000 to upgrade electrical systems and ventilation in the college’s welding lab to enhance health and safety.

• Heard a report on how $599,393 in federal Title V funds were spent in the second year of a $2 million grant. Title V funds are designated for programs that address unique local programs.

Nohemi Lara-Miller, a CCC Title V coordinator, told the board the funds were spent on expansion of the college’s science classrooms, and furnishing a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) study area; and a new portal for the financial aid department that helped increase the number of appeals for aid to 415 students, compared to 280 last year.

Nancy Meadows, another Title V coordinator told the board the grant helped to fund several programs designed to help CCC students who seek teaching careers transition to four-year colleges and receive individual counseling and tutoring, especially in STEM fields.

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