Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Respiratory illnesses send Portales Junior High to distance learning

PORTALES -- The junior high school in Portales will adopt distance learning for the remainder of this week, Superintendent Johnnie Cain said Tuesday.

Cain said in a letter to parents that multiple absences have occurred in recent days due to "a high number of respiratory illnesses, flu, strep, and even COVID throughout the city and county."

"These illnesses are not limited to just our students as some staff have become sick as well," Cain wrote in a letter to junior high parents. "At Portales Junior High School, we have decided to transfer to distance education for the remainder of this week due to the fact that we do not have enough staff to ensure all classes are covered properly. Other schools will remain open unless staffing becomes an issue. Scheduled evening performances and events will not be cancelled at this time."

Cain said custodial staff will be sanitizing all schools Tuesday after class and again on Friday afternoon. "Custodial staff continue to clean high-traffic areas throughout the schools every day as has been done since the beginning of COVID and every Friday is a normal deep-cleaning day after school," Cain's letter to parents read.

Cain said school officials will reevaluate daily "to determine whether future action needs to be taken."

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