Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Curry County Association of Educational Retirees
Members and guests in attendance at the Dec. 6 meeting at K-Bob’s Restaurant were treated to a true gift of heavenly music for the season performed by the Clovis High School Chamber Choir under the direction of Sean Galloway. All agreed that it was the best way to start our Christmas celebration.
For new business there was the installation of officers was led by Pam Wallace: Unit President, Eileen Massey; Vice President, Pat Archibeque; Treasurer, Andrea Bigelow; Secretary, Sandi Bates and Membership, Pam Wallace.
Special appreciation was noted for Pam Wallace, Membership Chairman; Dianne Davis, email notification; Bertha Boyden, Phone Tree Chairman; and Jamie Widner, Legislative Chair.
Our January 6, 2023 program will feature our area legislators. Come to learn about the upcoming legislative session!
CCAER meets the first Tuesday of the month at K-Bob’s Restaurant at 11:00 for lunch; 11:30 for the meeting.
Contact Sandra Bates at 575-714-2491 for information.
If you’d like news of a recent meeting of your club or organization published in “Club Notes,” send The News your article of no more than 300 words to The Eastern New Mexico News’ Editor Grant McGee: [email protected].
Your submission should also include your full name and contact phone number.