Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Portales water conservation reminder

One way the city of Portales is reducing its water demand is to mandate a watering schedule to reduce residents’ outdoor water use.

At the meeting last week, the council heard its annual water report by consultant Charles R. Wilson.

The city needs to reduce its water demand by 40 million gallons a year for the next eight or so years until the Ute Pipeline is operational and can bring water to the city, Wilson said in his presentation of the report.

He said the thickness of the High Plains Aquifer, from which the city draws its well water, has decreased dramatically over the past years. A decreasing thickness in the aquifer results in declining well yields.

He recommended the city purchase more low-yield wells, which he said is expensive, and conserve the water it has available.

The city posted on its website a water conservation plan showing residents how they can save water. Part of the plan is a mandatory water restriction policy, which dictates when people can water their yards.

City Manager Sarah Austin said the plan has been in effect for some time.

The following mandatory water restrictions are posted on the city website:

• No watering on Mondays

• No watering between 10 am and 6 pm

• Odd addresses water only on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

• Even addresses water only on Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

• Water runoff in gutters and on sidewalks is prohibited

Christopher Cordova, water and wastewater superintendent for the city, said the watering schedule has had a great effect on lowering the city’s demand for water.

“(With this plan), the city has been able to maintain the levels in its water tanks at 25 feet, which is what we like to see,” Cordova said. He checks the water levels on a daily basis.

“Last summer was challenging due to the grass fires – we try to keep adequate levels for fire protection,” he said.

Also on the city website is a list of ways residents can save water indoors:

• Check for and repair indoor leaks such as faucets and toilets

• Install high efficiency toilets and low flow shower heads

• Take shorter showers (10 minutes or less)

• Turn off water while brushing teeth or shaving

• Use dishwasher and washing machines when the loads are full

• Defrost food in the fridge instead of running hot water from the faucet

And ways to save water outdoors:

• Follow the city’s watering schedule for optimal use

• Plant drought tolerant plants and trees

• Recycle indoor water for watering plants

• Don’t water your landscaping when it rains

• Water your landscape earlier in the day when it is cooler outside

• Reposition sprinklers to only water the grass and not pavements/sidewalks

• Use a broom to clean driveways, patios, and sidewalks

For more information visit or call 575-356-6662, option 2.

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