Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - Jan. 25

On this date ...

1940: Actor James Stewart and his flying instructor stopped at the Tucumcari airport because of bad weather, according to Debra Whittington’s book, “In the Shadow of the Mountain.”

They spent two nights in town before the storm cleared.

“If I stay in Tucumcari much longer I’ll feel like an old-timer, buy a pair of cowboy boots and a 10-gallon hat ... and get me a cow,” Stewart said just before departing.

1965: Terry Edwards, the Boy Scout executive for Clovis, Portales and Fort Sumner the past 4 1/2 years, had accepted a job in Las Cruces.

“I hope the growth of the Clovis scouts continues as it has in the past,” Edwards said.

1970: Barnes Cleaners at 1500 Thornton in Clovis offered coin-operated dry cleaning. Bulk cleaning was 45 cents per pound. Operators asked customers to “please bring hangers.”

1970: Trustees at Roosevelt General Hospital in Portales had approved a $4 increase in room rates. The new rates put semi-private rooms at $30 per day. Private rooms were $34 and deluxe rooms were $40. Hospital Board President I.D. Hays said this was the same rate charged at Clovis Memorial Hospital.

1973: K.B. McCullough, chairman of the Clovis Industrial Commission, turned the first spade full of earth at the ground-breaking for the new Levi-Strauss plant southeast of Clovis.

The all-metal structure slated to be built was expected to cover more than 40,000 square feet and house 300 employees working in the boys-wear division for the clothing giant.

Others attending the ground-breaking were Bob Spencer, Ted Van Soelen, Roy Ingram, Gerald Dorough, L.D. Alexander, Scott Fischer, D.L. Ingram, John Krattiger, Pete Wilt, and Bob Stone.

1977: Clovis News-Journal Managing Editor Bill Southard reported the price of coffee through the years.

1917: 30 to 40 cents per pound

1927: 52 cents

1937: 17 to 28 cents

1947: 35 to 45 cents

1957: $1 per pound

1967: 58 to 68 cents per pound

1977: $3 per pound.

Coffee today sells for about $5.30 per pound on .

1977: The U.S. Supreme Court denied a hearing to a Clovis attorney who had been convicted in connection with a price-fixing scheme by liquor retail dealers.

Dan Buzzard was fined $5,000 for his role in the case.

The issue came to light when a discount package store called Riley's Switch started operating in Clovis. The Retail Liquor Dealer's Trade Association allegedly tried without success to convince the Riley's Switch operators to go along with a price-fixing arrangement, the Clovis News-Journal reported.

Prosecutors said the primary evidence against Buzzard was a tape-recorded conversation in which Buzzard was asked to represent the association in contacting the newcomers.

Buzzard argued part of the conversation had been erased and that missing tape would have proved his innocence.

1978: Marine Private 1st Class Janie R. Fails, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fails of Portales, completed recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C.

A 1975 graduate of Portales High School, Fails joined the Marine Corps in September 1977.

During the eight-week training cycle, Fails was introduced to the typical daily enlistment routine, participated in active physical conditioning, and learned a variety of military skills including close order drill and first aid.

Pages Past is compiled by David Stevens and Betty Williamson. Contact:

[email protected]

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