Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Winter weather delays school by two hours Tuesday

Clovis and Portales schools will be running on a two-hour delay Tuesday, Jan. 31.

The Portales announcement included the reminder buses will be on a two-hour delay.

A press release from Clovis Municipal Schools gave the reason for the delay, "Forecasts of extreme freezing temperatures and potential for precipitation."

The Clovis releas"e noted "During a two-hour delay, schedules are shifted by two hours to allow additional time for safe travel and improvement of conditions.

The Clovis release said, "Bus schedules and school arrival times can be calculated by adding two hours to regular schedules, for example, if the bus normally picks students up at 7 a.m., on delayed scheduling, the bus will arrive at 9 a.m. Likewise, if students are normally dropped off at school by 7:30 a.m., they would be dropped off by 9:30 a.m."

During a delay, school meals, to include breakfast, are provided as usual.

For additional information about inclement weather procedures, visit:

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