Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past, Feb. 1: Kiwanis Club preps for pancake sale

On this date ...

1954: Eldon Burk of Clovis, a 126-pound novice entry, defeated George Williams of Cannon Air Force Base to open the fourth annual regional Golden Gloves boxing tournament. The National Guard Armory hosted the competition.

1960: As a result of the late completion of the new Elida gym just a week earlier, Coach Bob Miller announced several schedule changes. The District 6-B Tigers would play at home for the next two weeks, hosting Farwell, San Jon, Texico and Melrose.

1965: Cannon Air Force Base’s 430th Tactical Fighter Squadron had taken first place in the Tactical Air Command’s Match Point V competition. The team recorded the most points in the history of the competition.

The meet was designed to test and compare the professional qualities of intelligence briefings, flight leadership, teamwork, accuracy, tactics and forward air controller actions. Each team flew two missions, armed with rockets, 200mm ammunition and napalm tanks loaded with sand.

1969: Clovis native Charles Guthals was a candidate for Clovis’ school board. The father of three had a bachelor of science degree from Eastern New Mexico University.

“Please give me your support,” he asked in a paid political ad.

1972: Portales Mayor James Kiker learned he would face opposition in his bid for a fourth term.

Pat Patterson also wanted to be mayor.

A month later, Kiker defeated Patterson, 1,173 votes to 793, to join five other incumbents who retained their municipal seats.

No incumbent was defeated in Portales’ city election that year.

1973: Members of the Noon-Day Kiwanis Club of Clovis had sold more than 3,600 tickets in advance of their upcoming Pancake Day scheduled for the coming weekend at Clovis High School.

The event was slated to run from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. with “continuous entertainment throughout the day.”

1978: In Bill Southard’s “Memo from the Editor,” which appeared most days in the Clovis News-Journal, he offered congratulations to Marshall Stinnett of Portales, who had officially become publisher of the Portales News-Tribune.

Stinnett was succeeding his father, Marion Stinnett.

“The younger Stinnett has headed the newspaper’s advertising sales department for nearly 20 years,” Southard wrote, adding, “Gordon Greaves, an uncle of the new publisher, will continue as editor.”

1987: About 35 area residents visited Our Lady of Guadalupe Church’s activity center in Clovis for a town hall meeting with state Rep. Vincent Gallegos, D-Curry County.

The main topics of discussion were “right to work” issues and a proposed tuition increase at state colleges and universities.

Pages Past is compiled by David Stevens and Betty Williamson. Contact:

[email protected]

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