Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Letters to the editor - Feb. 19

City plans for $50 sports fee outrageous

I am absolutely shocked at what our city commissioners have done to the children of Clovis.

We all know there is little to nothing for the children and young people in this area to do, unless they are involved in sports. Now are we going to penalize them with a $50 fee?

Think about the single mom with three children. She has already struggled to pay the league fees, buy a uniform, provide sports equipment, and now you are going to tell her that she will have to pay another $150 if she wants her children to play sports in city-owned parks and facilities?

That is outrageous!

What happens concerning the athletic tournaments we host here? Are we going to tell them there is an additional $50 fee for every person that is participating?

We need to take a closer look at the people and organizations who sign the yearly contracts with the city to use these parks and recreation areas. Who is being held responsible for that money and where is it going? There should be another way to raise the necessary funds.

Portales has managed to build an amazing Fun Center in their community without penalizing anyone. It is time to stop worrying so much about new restaurants and horse racing and focus more on children’s athletics, adult athletics, and other fun things that people like to do.

Robin Montano


Right to life belongs to all

Many U.S. citizens believe in the right to gun ownership.

The basic belief is that the gun can and should be used to protect citizens against others who could cause harm to one’s life or wellbeing.

Yet, women who experience a toxic pregnancy with a fetus who could cause harm to her life or wellbeing are denied the right to terminate that pregnancy in many areas of our country.

Why is the life of a woman worth less than that of an intruder intent on harming a gun owner?

Is it pro-life or just pro-fetus?

Geni Flores
