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ENMU's Dustin Seifert elected to ABA

Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU) announced Thursday that Director of Bands, Dustin Seifert, was recently inducted into the American Bandmasters Association (ABA). This being something Seifert described as the highest professional honor in his field.

According to a press release from the university, Seifert said receiving this honor “is the culmination of a year-long process involving nomination and sponsorship by current members, the submission of performance recordings, and a review of his musical works.”

Seifert has been with ENMU’s Department of Music for more than 20 years since he began in 2000.

In the press release, Seifert said, “I am thrilled to be elected to membership in the ABA, a first for an ENMU Director of Bands,” and, “My election illustrates the achievement and success of our fantastic students and my exceptional colleagues in the Department of Music.”

Seifert was inducted at the ABA convention earlier this month in Lawrence, Kansas. In addition to his induction, he also conducted a special performance of the University of Iowa Symphony Band, performing English Dances Set II by Sir Malcolm Arnold.

The university said Seifert has led the band program to “numerous accolades and guiding ENMU graduates to successful music careers.”

Eastern New Mexico University contributed to this article.

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