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Opinion: Bigger issues at hand than Bidens

Haven’t we seen this never-ending story before?

It’s just that the politics have flipped.

When we had Democrats in power in the House, all we heard were bad stories about Donald Trump.

All we heard from Democrats and their parrots in the major media was how Trump supposedly broke a bunch of laws and should be impeached, imprisoned or hanged for things like colluding with the Russians, dodging his taxes and golfing too much.

One by one, those fake stories would fizzle out and nothing would happen.

Then congressman Adam Schiff – my representative here in Los Angeles – would start showing up on “Meet the Press” again, spewing lies about a fresh batch of classified documents he had seen but couldn’t describe in detail that “proved” Trump was guilty of some new high crime and misdemeanor.

And then that fake story would fizzle and nothing would come of it ….

The American public had to live through that crap for four years, with Democrats trying desperately to knock Trump out of the White House and Republicans arguing Trump did nothing wrong.

Fast-forward to 2023 and it’s the Republicans in the House who are trying to bring down President Biden.

Republican committees are hot to get Biden impeached for enriching his son Hunter and the rest of his extended crime family by making secret deals with the Chinese, the Ukrainians and any other foreign country that played Biden’s slimy influence-selling game.

Are the next two, four, or, God help us, eight years of investigating Biden Inc. going to play out the same way the Trump years did?

Are we going to have a series of reports about Biden family corruption from Republican guard dogs Jim Jordan and Jim Comer that make a lot of news, raise threats of impeachment – and then fizzle out into nothingness?

I sure hope not.

It’s not that I wouldn’t want to see the “Big Guy” and all the little Bidens brought to justice for whatever it is they’ve done wrong to make themselves rich.

But Republicans are in danger of being accused of wasting a lot of time and energy on what Democrats might call “Biden Derangement Syndrome.”

Aren’t there a few other issues of greater national importance that a Republican House can tackle?

Like plugging the leak at the Mexican border? Fighting inflation and fixing the economy? Balancing the federal budget? Ending the war in Ukraine?

I’m getting to the point where I don’t care what Biden and his dirty family have done wrong, criminally or morally, or if they are ever punished for it.

In fact, as bad as President Biden has been for America, I’m secretly hoping he remains in office until he’s defeated in the 2024 election.

Having a crime syndicate operating out of the White House for another two years is not good for the country. But it’s 100% better than having Kamala Harris in charge of us for one minute.

Michael Reagan is the president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Contact him at:

[email protected]