Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

New 311 app to launch Monday

The City of Clovis recently added a new function in a software package that was purchased called the “My Civic 311” app. The app will give citizens the chance to report issues directly to city departments, according to Director of Information and Technology, Stephen Rickman.

The concept for the app is nothing new, however. The city did have an app called “SeeClickFix,” which allowed citizens to still report back to the city. One thing that is now different with the “My Civic 311” app is that the Parks and Recreation department is now connected and can take reports from citizens.

“For example, let’s say as a resident of Clovis, your dumpster is full, and it needs an extra pickup or something like that, you can actually go on this app. Select that type. And what it’ll do is create a service request for our public works department so that they can go take care of that issue,” Rickman said.

The app will also include code compliance. Rickman gave more examples like abandoned vehicles, issues with signs being posted or things that have an ordinance attached to them that are violations. Issues can also be reported to the city manager’s office and city hall.

“It could be a traffic light not working or a stop sign that has fallen down, or, you know, so it’s safety, it’s for making sure that things are attractive. You might want to report you found some graffiti somewhere, and that needs to be taken care of,” Rickman said.

The app can be used with any Apple or Android phone and is scheduled to be up and running Monday to start taking requests.

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