Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Q&A: Dr. Albert Kwan talks about 40-year career, retirement

Editor's note: This is one in a continuing series of interviews with local officials. Dr. Albert Kwan, 70, recently retired from Plains Regional Medical Center as medical director for three years and an overall 40-year career as a general surgeon.

Q: Describe what it was like to work at PRMC over the last three years.

A: The entire staff is outstanding, they're very dedicated to improving the quality and safety of patient care. They serve the best interests of the citizens in Clovis. Nurses are always cordial, friendly, and supportive and provide outstanding care for the patients.

The operating room, since I'm a surgeon, is the best operating team I ever encountered in my 40 years. We achieved 95% on-time start in the morning. And between operating cases, we measure what we call the current overtime to turn over time, and in PRMC, that is on average 17 minutes. That is impeccable.

Q: What about PRMC or Clovis made you stay for so long?

A: Forty-some years ago, when I applied to medical school at the University of New Mexico, I decided to serve underserved areas. That was my promise. I came to know Dr. Brian Willmon since we were classmates in pharmacy school 49 years ago. He asked me, upon finishing my training and commitment in the military, would I join him to practice in Clovis.

Clovis is a very nice city to live in. Most of all, the people are very friendly, and very straightforward. They welcome physicians to take care of them and they are very appreciative.

Also, the education system, I think is the best in the whole state of New Mexico. I knew this was the best place for me to raise my six children. All my six children have very diversified professional careers.

Q: If you had to choose one highlight, what would that be?

A: My entire professional highlight, well there's several. The most memorable being serving as president in the New Mexico Medical Society representing the whole state, serving as governor to represent the state in American College of Surgeons, and also being the president of the American Society of General Surgeons.

For PRMC, I'm honored to serve on the hospital board for 10 years. I'm the only doctor that has been able to serve for 10 years on the hospital board. The city honored me by giving me a key to the city. That to me is the highest honor in Clovis.

Q: If you had to choose one "lowlight," or recurring frustration, what would that be?

A: The lowlight or continued challenge is how do we recruit doctors and retaining them in this area, which is universal in all small hospitals in our nation, particularly in the state of New Mexico.

After 2 1/2 years serving as medical director, I was able to recruit nine physicians, four nurse practitioners, and one physician assistant to join our staff. I would say they'll continue to be challenged and I'll continue my concern even after my time.

I hope the hospital board will work together with whoever my successor is to have a better revenue or recruiting process to get more doctors to come and serve in Clovis.

Q: What advice do you have for your successor at PRMC?

A: Be engaged with decisions and understand what the needs are from the citizens. They need to participate, whatever the civil organization meetings are, such as the Rotary Club, such as the Chamber of Commerce; they need to engage with the citizens. That means always wanting to work very closely with the hospital board.

Q: What do you plan to do now that you are retired?

A: Since my professional career, I put, you know, family time, hate to say it, behind. And now that I retired, I need to catch up, need to spend more time to visit the family.

I also continue to be very engaged and active with the UNM School of Medicine Alumni Association, since I'm one of the board members. I plan to be engaged with the medical school and work to formulate a better training system to enhance future doctors to come to serve in underserved areas.

- Compiled by Landry Sena, the Staff of The News

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