Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Our people: Keeping ENMU in the green

Noelle Bartl has been raising funds for Eastern New Mexico University for 23 years and there is no signs she is letting up any time soon.

Bartl serves as ENMU's associate vice president for advancement and executive director of the ENMU Foundation.

She is proud to note that the advancement office has raised $42 million for the university since 1978, which she attributes to "team efforts," and that this year, the ENMU Foundation has awarded $679,000 in scholarships to ENMU students, up from last year's awards, which totaled about $500,000.

Bartl sat down with The News on Thursday for some conversation. Here are our questions and her responses.

Q. How long have you held your current title?

A. I have been in the role of executive director of the Alumni Association for 23 years. I started out in Alumni Affairs, but now my job as a vice president, Alumni Affairs is one of two departments I oversee.

Q. How did you find ENMU?

A. I was living in Pewaukee, Wis., and I was contacted by Robert Matheny, who was ENMU's president, who saw my ACT test scores and asked if would consider coming to ENMU on a scholarship. I saw an opportunity to escape Wisconsin winters and came to Eastern. I fell in love with the campus and New Mexico.

Q. What do you like best about fundraising.

A. It's connecting the all the dots of opportunities, bridging alumni support for university programming needs and scholarships to advance the university.

I have done public speaking to crowds as large as 500, but the job I do now is more about listening than speaking. I talk to alumni about remembering ENMU in estate planning and keeping up relationship with them. I travel to meet with alumni groups all over the country, and I enjoy helping them give back.

Q. What do you like about ENMU?

A. I fell in love with ENMU as a student, and I have been mentored by some of the best in the business, including Robert Matheny and Duane Ryan (who founded the KENW public broadcasting stations at ENMU and directed them for 50 years before he died April 6 at age 90) when I was a television communications major as an undergraduate. I switched my major later to public relations and journalism.

I worked with former President Steven Gamble and Chancellor Patrice Caldwell. Both were excellent role models. I actually interviewed Dr. Caldwell for an assignment when I was an undergraduate in journalism and public relations. As executive director, of the ENMU Foundation, I am also privileged to work with Stephen Doerr, who has been our president since 2002. All these people have taught me a lot.

Q. What are some of your activities in the community?

A. I serve on the Roosevelt County Community Development Corporation board, and I'm a member of the Portales Rotary Club. I'm currently the lieutenant governor for Rotary's New Mexico district, and I focus on eastern New Mexico. I am also a member of the Portales Women's Club, which is a great organization.

Q. What about your family?

A. My husband John is a technician for the Yucca Telecom Company. He works with electronics and computers. My older daughter Samantha has a degree in film making from ENMU, and she's teaching ballroom dancing in Albuquerque. My younger daughter Charley is a student at ENMU majoring in electrical engineering, emphasis in renewable energy wind power. She's really good in math and science. I have family in Wisconsin, and John's parents, David and Judy Bartl, live in Portales.

Q. What do you like to do when you have some free time?

A. I have three dogs I like to cuddle with and watch movies, and I pull weeds in my yard. When our sche dules allow it, my husband and I like to travel to visit family.