Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Portales' Stage 3 water emergency continues

PORTALES -- The Stage 3 water emergency in the city of Portales continues, along with continued restrictions on water use, according to a city news release issued Thursday.

The city wellfield’s capacity has been reduced over the last several years due to the declining levels in the Ogallala Aquifer, the wells’ water source, the news release reported, and the problem has been made worse by drought conditions and high temperatures.

“The city continues working with the state of New Mexico to develop and maintain water resources for the future.,” the news release stated.

The news release noted the following examples of cooperation from city businesses and institutions.

• Restaurants, car washes, other businesses and the Portales Independent School District have agreed to stop watering from the city’s system and follow the city’s restrictions.

• Eastern New Mexico University has stopped using drinking water for irrigation, relying instead on their own wells for that purpose, the news release stated,

• The city of Portales uses reclaimed water to irrigate the cemetery, softball complex and soccer fields.

• The city uses reclaimed water for some construction purposes.

“Water conservation is still the best option at this time and requires everyone’s combined and continued effort,” the release stated.

The news release also reminded Portales residents of the following continued restrictions:

• Confining outdoor landscape watering to trees, shrubs, and vegetable gardens with shut-off hose and hand-held container.

• Prohibiting car washing at home.

• Prohibiting the washing down of pavement and sidewalks.

• Prohibiting filling and refilling of home spas, swimming pools or ornamental fountains.

Failure to follow the emergency water rationing restrictions will result in disconnection of water service, as allowed by city ordinances, the news release stated.

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