Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
The New Mexico Fire Protection Grant has awarded volunteer fire departments in Curry County with more than $1.6 million in funds.
“The volunteer fire chiefs did most of the leg work in acquiring what they wanted and getting the quotes and specs needed for the grants,” Curry County Fire and Safety Director Michael Booth said in a county news release.
“The chiefs and their members realize the opportunities grants offer the departments, and that the departments would not be as functional and responsive to the emergencies of their communities and to the county without the assistance of grant funds for the purchase of these necessary items.”
The volunteer fire departments and their awards, according to the county news release:
• Field fire department will receive $400,000 to include a new truck bay addition to store its new apparatus within the facility.
• Ranchvale fire department will be using its $398,681 award to make a new pull-thru truck bay addition to easily park its water tanker. The rest of the fund will be used to improve the grounds and parking areas.
• Pleasant Hill fire department will establish a new administrative office and a new truck bay addition to house its water tanker with the $250,000 award.
• Countyline fire department will be purchasing an apparatus with its $280,000 award. The funds will also be used to purchase a new wildland fire truck to combat grass fires.
• The Curry County Administration will also be receiving a $3,970 award to replenish the stipend grant fund. The administration will also use a $300,000 award for a communication tower to increase communication within the south part of the county.