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ENMU regents approve increase in room rates

Eastern New Mexico University regents on Friday approved a 2% increase in room and board rates for fiscal year 2024-2025.

ENMU Vice President of Business Affairs and System Chief Financial Officer Tony Major presented the new rates to the regents. Major said the increase is so that reserves are available for repair and maintenance to the buildings.

He said the 2% rate will range between $8 and $66 per student, depending on their living situation.

According to the ENMU website, a student living in a Curry Hall dorm would traditionally pay $1,987 per semester; with the increase, that could range anywhere between $1,995 to $2,053.

ENMU regents also approved a 6% hike in student food service plans. Major said this increase is to compensate for inflation. He said depending on the food service plan a student picks the increase can range from zero to $125.

Also on Friday, the regents approved a resolution recognizing longtime Sen. Stuart Ingle, R-Portales. Members of the board along with previous presidents spoke on Ingle’s behalf, detailing his years of service and dedication to ENMU. Ingle announced his retirement last month after nearly 40 years as a lawmaker.

Also Friday, Regent Trish Ruiz was elected board president with Regent Ray Birmingham elected vice president. Ruiz and Birmingham will be starting their roles after the Christmas break.

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