Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes - Jan. 7

Curry County Association of Educational Retirees

Jamie Widner introduced area legislators: Sen. Pat Woods, Rep. Andrea Reeb, and Rep. Martin Zamora. Each one presented information and concerns for the upcoming 30-day legislative session, which begins Jan. 16.

Woods reported that Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has not yet filled a vacancy left by the resignation of longtime state Sen. Stuart Ingle. Another concern was the proposed changes for a new Health Care Authority Transition Plan. This would create a single agency to be responsible for all health care for the state of New Mexico. Our current Retiree Health Care Authority would be included in this new plan. We are definitely opposed to this merger of plans.

Other discussion was the Public Education Department proposal for four-day schools to be required to change to five days. This includes a potential executive order that could put this change in effect by our governor.

Reeb discussed the Children Youth and Families Department. Lack of transparency and other problems in the department have failed children in the system, she said. Reeb is working to improve areas of concern for CYFD as well as for crime and safety including increasing penalties, redoing the cannabis code, and putting a pause on licensing. The governor will be pushing for new and more restrictive gun laws.

Zamora encouraged citizens to contact their representatives to voice their concerns. He has proposed a bill to address drugs, vaping, and use of THC products in schools. He also discussed the increasing problem of student absences from school and low achievement. Widner added that schools with the four-day school week don’t necessarily have high absenteeism or low test scores. After a question and answer session, retirees were reminded change can be made through voting. Be active and stay informed.

Woods will come back in March to give an update on the outcome of the legislative session.

CCAER meets at 11 a.m. the first Tuesday of the month at K-Bob’s Restaurant for lunch; our meeting starts at 11:30. Our next meeting will be held Feb. 6.

Contact Sandra Bates at 575-714-2491 for information