Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Roosevelt County races contested

Editor’s note: Primary elections across New Mexico are scheduled June 4, with early voting beginning May 7.

The general election is Nov. 5.

We asked candidates in contested Roosevelt County commission races for their background and “Why do you want this job?”

Here are their responses:

District 1

Fabian Munoz (Republican)

Q: Tell us about yourself.

A: I am a Mexican American, and I was born and raised in Portales. I’m 28 years old. I have kids. I live in the community, I love this community. I’ve been everywhere in Roosevelt County, we’re very rich in history. I love this place.

Q: Why do you want this job?

A: I want this job to help my community. Some may think I’m too young to be getting into this. Like I said, I was born and raised here. I can’t say enough how much I love this community.

I also want to do it for the people. I’m going to listen to their concerns and hear them out whether it aligns with my views or not. I hope I can help people out with the concerns they bring forward.

I can’t complain and not do something about it.

Jake Lopez (Democrat)

Q: Tell us about yourself.

A: I’ve been in Portales since 1959 and I have six kids.

I currently serve on the City Council.

Q: Why do you want this job?

A: I’ve served on the County Commission before. I think I can help the city more as a county commissioner than I can in the city right now.

It’s important that we’re all together. As a county commissioner, I can try to help each get along with each other.

District 2

Jarryd Burris

Q: Tell us about yourself.

A: I grew up just outside of the community of Elida, farming, ranching and playing sports. I graduated from Dora High School in 1999, furthered my education at Hobbs Junior College for a year then transferred to West Texas A&M University where I earned a bachelor’s degree in agribusiness with economics while rodeoing.

After college I returned home to train horses, day work and run wheat pasture cattle through the winters.

I married my wife Megan in 2007 and have two boys, Bradly (15) and Jase (10). I am the manager of Crossroads West Phoenix LLC, which consists of 730,000 ranch land acres in Roosevelt, Chaves and De Baca counties as well as 40,000 acres of farm land in Roosevelt County.

Megan and I have a small cattle operation where we teach our boys some good old fashion work ethic.

Q: Why do you want this job?

A: I’ve entered the commissioners’ race in hopes of being elected so our county residents can have a voice for their concerns.

I look to change the look of the majority vote on the Commission, when needed, which is currently unbalanced.

August Cooper

Q: Tell us about yourself.

A: I was raised here and left to join the military. When I got out I moved back here to raise my daughter.

I’m a mom, wife, Air Force veteran, business owner and bus driver. I have a vast background of experience in many areas.

I have a great work ethic thanks to my dad. I want to bring my experience to the county to help them grow and survive so that one day my daughter will have a place to return to that she calls home.

Q: Why do you want this job?

A: I want this job for a few reasons. The “parents and grandparents” who have always taken care of things aren’t always going to be here and I think the younger generations really need to step up to learn how to take over.

Plus we need the younger mind to break the cycle of “that’s how it’s always been done” mindset so we can continue to grow and thrive.

Additionally I’ve found myself speaking to deaf ears by those that were elected and that left a huge impression I will never forget!

James Hamilton

Q: Tell us about yourself.

A: I am a proud life-long resident of New Mexico and an Eastern New Mexico University graduate. Together with my family we own businesses in furniture and hardware, a vineyard, and numerous other properties in Roosevelt County.

This community has been a great place for my wife and I to raise our two daughters and my goal is to ensure the success of Roosevelt County for future generations of families to come.

Q: Why do you want this job?

A: I want to give back to the community that has been so great to me. We have some serious challenges right now, with water being at the top of the list. All my years of business have taught me how to stretch a dollar, find creative solutions, and negotiate to get things done.

Together with the other commissioners we have some terrific opportunities to work alongside our city officials to make this county a better place to live and raise a family.

Malin Parker

Q: Tell us about yourself.

A: I was born and raised in the area. I am 51 years old and married to Ursula Parker for going on 30 years. I have one daughter and son in law and two beautiful grandchildren.

I have a very strong faith in our Creator and his son Jesus. I believe strongly in our Constitution and am against changing any part of it.

I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment and very pro life. I love hunting and fishing (lake life) with my family and spending as much time as possible with them outdoors.

I have 25 years experience in state and county government. I was elected to the office of sheriff twice and termed out. I was elected to the board of directors for the New Mexico Association of Counties. I served as a Roosevelt County Fair Board member and have lobbied in Santa Fe on behalf of our county on many occasions.

Q: Why do you want this job?

A: I am seeking the position of county commissioner for District 2 for several reasons.

The first is, I feel every commissioner needs to be well studied on the issues at hand and vote according to their constituents’ needs and not what is popular in Santa Fe.

I also believe with new Council in the city of Portales and new Commission people coming in that we have the perfect opportunity to rebuild relationships between the two entities for the better of our community.

Water is not just a city problem but something I feel our county needs to get involved with to help find a solution. I believe there are a multitude of people in the community with great ideas on how we can solve our infrastructure and public safety issues if we will involve them in planning and lobbying.

I don’t believe going to Santa Fe and trying to meet with our senators and representatives last minute to get outlay money is an effective solution. These meetings need to be held long before the sessions and thoroughly reviewed with input from our constituents.

No one person should be making decisions on what is best for our community. I also believe the Commission needs to spend more time talking and brainstorming with county department heads and other elected officials within our county to better serve their needs which in turn benefits the community as a whole. I am so very worried about the direction our nation is going and hope to be a small part of changing the course.

— Compiled by Landry Sena, the Staff of The News