Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
*Primary Election Day – 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Curry County polling places: La Casa Senior Center, 1120 Cameo St., Clovis; Clovis Community College, 417 Schepps Blvd., Clovis; North Plains Mall, 2809 N. Prince St., Clovis; Farmers Electric Cooperative, 3701 N. Thornton St., Clovis; Curry County Road Department (Road Barn), 1006 CR 6, Clovis; Pleasant Hill Fire Department, 304 SR 77, Texico; Grady Senior Citizens Center, 104 W. Main, Grady; Melrose City Hall, 105 E. Ave. B, Melrose; Texico Community Building, 215 N. Griffin, Texico. Roosevelt County polling places: Dora Senior Center, 401 Ave. B, Dora; Elida Community Center, 704 State St., Elida; Floyd Community Center, 1572 NM Highway 267, Floyd; Jake Lopez Community Center, 705 E. Lime St., Portales; Memorial Building, 200 E. Seventh St., Portales. Information: Curry County Clerk’s Office at 575-763-5591; Roosevelt County Clerk’s Office at 575-356-8562
*Portales Public Works Committee meeting – 9 a.m., Memorial Building, 200 E. 7th St., Portales. Information: 575-356-6662
*Clovis Community College Board of Trustees – 8 a.m., CCC, 417 Schepps Blvd., Room 512, Clovis. Information: or 575-769-4003
*El Llano Estacado Resource Conservation and Development Council – 10 a.m., Quay County Extension Office, 216 E. Center St., Tucumcari. Lunch at Del’s Restaurant, followed by tour of the Tucumcari Outdoor Classroom. RSVPs needed for lunch count. Information: email to [email protected]
*Clovis city commission - 5:15 p.m., North Annex, Clovis-Carver Public Library, 701 N. Main St., Clovis. Information: 575-769-7828
*Curry County Republican Party second Saturday breakfast — 9 a.m., K-Bob’s Steakhouse, 1600 Mabry Dr., Clovis. Information: email [email protected]
To place an item on the meetings calendar, call the newsroom at 575-763-6991 or email: [email protected].