Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Our people: Randy Petty making a name for himself

Clovis' Randy Petty is not related to Clovis' legendary record producer Norman Petty, NASCAR racing legend Richard Petty or rock 'n' roller Tom Petty.

The part owner of Clovis Furniture Exchange & Mattresses Too is a newly licensed Realtor who describes himself as the son of David and Joann Petty.

"I know how to find people who know things, but I don't know anything. I know how to rally people around me for all of us to succeed," Petty said Monday, while talking with The News about his life.

Q: You were born in Clovis?

A: At the old hospital on Thornton Street, 60 years ago.

Q: Have you lived anywhere else besides Clovis?

A: No.

I've always lived in Clovis.

I've never thought about living anywhere else.

Q: Tell us about your family.

A: I have a beautiful wife, Jamie.

We've been married 31.5 years.

We have four children: Two boys and two girls, eight grandkids ... four boys and four girls.

Guess we like to keep things even.

Q: So you're not related to Norman Petty, the noted music producer?

A: No.

I grew up thinking Norman was family.

He came to visit my family most Saturdays for a couple of hours.

He and (his wife) Vi always came to our large Petty holiday gatherings as well.

One of those visits he brought me a gift.

It was a Murph electric guitar and Baldwin amp like the ones displayed in his Seventh Street studios.

He knew I was taking acoustic guitar lessons and wanted me to have it.

I think my folks were in on it.

He told me George Tomsco used it to record the Fireballs music in the studio.

Later George confirmed this.

I do have an uncle named Richard Petty, but he did not race cars.

Not legally.

He drove fast, but not legally.

Q: You have a measure of admiration for your father. What's the story?

A: My dad is a living example of a huge servant's heart.

He worked hard and served this community.

He loves Clovis.

He served on planning and zoning for most of my high school years.

He helped (former newspaper publisher) Ray Sullivan by overseeing Ray's vision of the entrance signs at all four major highways coming into Clovis.

He helped plan the project as the general contractor.

He built multiple churches in Clovis and consulted and oversaw projects for many more.

He developed several projects in Clovis believing in growing the community.

He did commercial and residential projects like Prince Plaza and Sandzen.

He was a great dad in between all these.

He was best man at my wedding.

He is my best friend and advisor getting started in the furniture business.

There is a new development with a street named after him now.

He and his brother Richard had Triangle Builders Supply on North Prince Street for years.

I am honored God chose me to be his son.

Q: You have a furniture business. What do you like about it?

A: I grew up in retail and have always tried to excel at offering the best service.

I love working with people, growing a team, solving problems and celebrating success.

It has been a way of life for me to be in retail and serve customers and help them accomplish their needs and goals the best that we can.

I always know that the best I can do is help my team and my customers do better than me.

We are only successful if everyone is successful.

Q: What's your favorite place to vacation?

A: For the first time in my life my wife and I got to go on a beach vacation in Cancun last November.

I always wanted to experience it and now this will be my favorite vacation.

What fun to be in sand that isn't blowing in your face and listening to the ocean.

It was incredible.

Q: Do you drink milk right out of the carton while standing at the fridge?

A: I never have done that. I'm a little OCD. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

Q: Tell us something about yourself few people know.

A: I'm addicted to my family being together, even for a short period of time.

It's extremely important for me to see them together having fun and loving on each other.

Q: What's your favorite dish?

A: Gnocci with Italian sausage.

Q: What's the worst smell?

A: Spoiled milk.

Q: Who inspires you?

A: Job and Jesus.

They both seemingly lost everything yet never wavered in their faith.

They are the ultimate overcomers.

We all face setbacks, but we need to have faith in God and our ability to overcome.

Q: What's your favorite TV show?

A: "Monk," because he's OCD, yet he still accomplishes and never gives up.

Q: If you had to offer advice about life to a young person, what would it be?

A: Never get in a hurry.

Have faith that you are not alone.

Trust your abilities to trust others and surround yourself with friends and mentors who believe in you and your dreams.

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