Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Our people: Der guy into horse racing, grandkids

To many people in the area, Jimmy Hailey has been the face of the Clovis Wienerschnitzel fast-food franchise since the 1970s.

It turns out, he's just one of three brothers and a sister who have owned and operated the business over the years.

That has changed.

The business has been sold to a new owner and Hailey is semi-retired.

He sat with The News on a sunny Monday morning at "The Der" and shared some things about his life and the "Hailey Special."

Q: So you're from Clovis?

A: I was born and raised here in Clovis, New Mexico.

I lived over on Yucca Street near Highland Elementary School.

My dad was a railroader and my mother worked for the telephone company.

They're the ones who actually opened Wienerschnitzel in 1968.

I took it over in 1975.

In addition to Clovis I also had franchises in Roswell and Lubbock.

I still have one in Grand Prairie, Texas.

Q: What did you want to be when you grew up?

A: A high school football coach.

It didn't matter where, I just loved football.

I went to New Mexico State University for a year, Eastern New Mexico University for two and decided college, studying wasn't for me.

Q: Tell us about your family.

A: In 1976 I married my wife, Joy.

We have two kids, Mindy and Derek.

Mindy is now Mindy Furrow.

We have four grandchildren.

I have two brothers and a sister.

We all grew up working at the Wienerschnitzel.

My brother, Mike, has been here 40 years working with me. He's part owner too, along with our sister Lendra and our other brother Doug, too.

My family, all of us, have been a part of Wienerschnitzel, including my granddaughter Isabella who still works there.

Q: So you're not retiring, you're semi-retiring?

A: I still have the store in Grand Prairie so that'll keep me a little busy.

I'll get to spend more time with my grandkids before they get too old to not want to be around Grandpa.

Q: Where's your favorite place to vacation?

A: Mostly we plan our vacations around horse racing or grandkids soccer and basketball.

For 30 years, me and my wife are partners in race horses with Clint Bunch and Philip Wood.

We lost Philip last year.

Q: How often do you make your own bed?

A: Only when my wife is out of town, maybe about two or three times a year.

Q: Tell us something about yourself few people know.

A: I honestly can't think of anything.

Most people know everything about me.

Q: Do you drink milk out of the carton while standing in front of the fridge?

A: Not if anyone's around.

Q: What do you believe is the best sandwich?

A: I'm going to stick with Wienerschnitzel and say the Polish sandwich, a sliced Polish sausage, mustard, Swiss cheese and a dill pickle on rye bread.

Q: What is the story of the "Hailey Special?"

A: It's a hot dog bun with a slice of American cheese topped with French fries and chili on top.

I think about 60 people around here claim to have originated it.

When I was in high school I didn't like weenies, so I made this.

Q: What's your favorite smell?

A: Baked bread, fresh out of the oven.

I want to put butter on it right away and eat it.

Q: What's your favorite dish?

A: Enchiladas.

I used to love eating at the old El Monterey here in town.

Also my mother-in-law, Joyce Jeter's, German chocolate cake, especially the frosting.

Q: Who inspires you?

A: My dad. He was just a hard worker. My dad was also a great people person, he got along with everyone.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote?

A: "Just do the right thing."

I've always tried to live by that.

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