Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Newspaper interns share their stories

Editor’s note: Two students from Curry County’s Summer Internship Program are spending their summers at The Eastern New Mexico News. Amira Villanueva, 17, is a Clovis High student. Joslyn Montano, 18, is a recent CHS graduate. We asked them to play 20 questions. Here’s what they had to say:

Joslyn Montano

Q: Tell us about your summer so far working at the newspaper. What have you been doing?

A: I’ve traveled to different businesses about buying ads and have counted the ballots for Best of Clovis.

Q: Tell us something about you. What would you like the world to know?

A: If I want to be a psychologist, I would be making bank as a comedian

Q: What is your idea of a perfect day?

A: Being stuck in a cozy room with books and my favorite snacks and drinks reading the day away.

Q: What do you hope you’ll be doing with yourself in five years? How about 10 years?

A: In five years I hope to be a college graduate with a master’s in psychology and in 10 years I hope to be a full- fledged sports psychologist with a steady income and cute apartment I can call my own

Q: Who is your favorite teacher and why?

A: Sarah Kramer from Clovis High School. She is just the best. She was chill but funny and was there when you needed her.

Q: Let’s talk politics. Who is your choice for president? And why?

A: I personally don’t have an opinion because I don’t plan on voting

Q: What’s your greatest concern about life after school? 

A: My greatest concern is having to do adult things without the correct knowledge of my adult duties.

Q: If you ruled the world, what would you do with that power?

A: If I ruled the world I would remove all high-powered people in the government over the age of 50 to start bringing in younger generations.

Q: Talk about something that happened recently that made you laugh.

A: I got bored in the office so I took a break with a coworker and went across the street to the office supply store and the entire time we were in there I couldn’t stop laughing because we would make up funny stories for all of the different supplies

Q: Talk about something that happened recently that made you cry.

A: My favorite anime ended on a cliff hanger.

Q: Talk about something that happened recently that made you mad. 

A: My sister stole one of my tacos I bought while I was eating it

Q: Who is your hero? Why?

A: My nana was my hero. She was a very strong woman that never backed down to a challenge. She even laughed at death.

Q: You just won an all-expense paid trip anywhere in the world. Where are you going and why?

A: Italy. Everything about that place is beautiful and the food looks to die for.

Q: You have been granted one super power. What will it be? And what will you do with it?

A: Telepathy or telekinesis. Either way, someone is getting spooked and it will be great entertainment when they do.

Q: Who’s coming to your fantasy dinner party? 

A: A dragon or genie or any mythical creature.

Amira Villanueva

Q: Tell us about your summer so far working at the newspaper. What have you been doing?

A: The work is sometimes annoying and boring, but the people here are fun to be around, so it makes up for the negative stuff.


Q: What is your idea of a perfect day?

A: A perfect day would be when there isn’t anyone bothering me.

Q: What do you hope you’ll be doing with yourself in five years? How about 10 years?

A: I hope to be in college, majoring in my career.

Q: Let’s talk politics. If you were old enough to vote, who would be your choice for president? And why?

A: I would not vote for anyone because I am not interested in politics since it makes my brain hurt.


Q: What’s your greatest concern about life after school? 

A: The world I must live in.

Q: Talk about something that happened recently that made you laugh.

A: My dorky sister made me die of laughter while playing online games with me.

Q: Talk about something that happened recently that made you cry.

A: My mother’s murder/crime documentaries had me in tears.

Q: Talk about something that happened recently that made you mad. 

A: My dog snatched my biscuit.

Q: Who is your hero? Why?

A: My hero is Jesus because he died for our sins.

Q: You just won an all-expense paid trip anywhere in the world. Where are you going and why?

A: I would go to Japan for the food, fashion, people, and culture.


Q: Who’s coming to your fantasy dinner party?

A: All my favorite fictional characters would be attending my dinner party.