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Our people: Economic developer loves horses, ribeye steaks

Tina Dziuk's office job as executive director of Clovis Economic Development may not offer up a clue that her family roots are in the trucking industry.

And while she can't drive an 18-wheeler she can "pull a horse trailer through rush hour traffic in Dallas, and that's good enough for me."

Dziuk shared more details of her life with The News recently.

Q: Where are you from? What do you remember about growing up?

A: My life began in Flagstaff, Ariz., but we moved to New Mexico when I was 6. I have a lot of memories of my brother and I hanging out at the Sugar Bowl Lanes bowling alley in Belen, and stopping for ice cream cones afterward.

Q: What brought you to Clovis?

A: My job with Clovis Economic Development.

Q: Tell us about your family.

A: I have two boys that are 29 and 26, and one daughter that is 15. My boys are brilliant creative types. My daughter is becoming a brilliant equestrian.

Q: What did you want to be when you grew up?

A: When I was a kid I pretended to have my own office and wanted to carry a briefcase, but I also wanted to help people.

I guess in a way I'm doing what I always wanted to.

Q: You're from a trucking industry family? Can you drive an 18-wheeler?

A: No, I have terrible depth perception.

I grew up in a family owned trucking company.

My grandfather started Clover, Inc., which operated in 48 states and Canada.

At 12, I was cleaning the office. At 18, I was processing payroll and posting deposits. At 26, I was the head bookkeeper. I also started filing all of the fuel taxes, which had always been outsourced.

Q: What exactly is your career field? How did you come to be in this field?

A: Economic developer. I have always loved business and love seeing others succeed in business. I've owned a handful of businesses, including consulting work in economic development.

Q: You're one of New Mexico's delegates to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. What do you like about being involved in politics?

A: Our lives are governed by public policy.

I believe in having an active voice in who we elect to govern us.

I don't love speaking in front of large crowds, which is something I learned as recent as six years ago. I do enjoy one on one conversations with decision makers, and that's where my political involvement/relationships flourish.

Q: You have horses.

A: Horses are great companions.

They're smart enough to be trained to work or compete, but they're emotional enough to bond with the people they're with, which is why they make great therapy animals.

Q: Tell us something about yourself few people know.

A: I don't like grocery shopping.

To make it more enjoyable, I stop for a beverage I don't drink during the week, a specialty coffee, a London Fog, or a flavored tea. It really depends on the weather and what I'm in the mood for. Then I listen to my favorite music while I'm shopping.

Yes, I reward myself for doing things I'm supposed to do without a reward.

Q: What's the best sandwich?

A: In the summer, a club sandwich.

In the winter, hot roast beef with au jus sauce

Q: What's your favorite smell?

A: That's a three-way tie: A wood-burning fireplace, green chile being roasted, and the Sugared Plum candles from Yankee Candle.

Q: What's your favorite dish?

A: Ribeye steak with any kind of grilled vegetable, and salad.

Q: Window or aisle plane seat?

A: It used to be window.

As I've traveled more I began buying aisle seats so I can get right off the plane easier when I have a connecting flight.

Q: Who inspires you?

A: My 93-year-old grandfather who lives alone and still does his own grocery shopping.

He built a successful multimillion-dollar business on an eighth-grade education.

Q: Tina Dziuk's fantasy dinner party ... who's there?

A: Jesus, Warren Buffet, and Abraham Lincoln. I like to talk business, politics, and religion in one sitting. Ha.

Q: What's your favorite saying, quote, Bible verse?

A: Bill Russell – "The game is scheduled, we have to play, we might as well win."

Or Psalm 46:10 -- "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

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