Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes - Sept. 8

Curry County Association of Educational Retirees

A CCAER program was held Sept. 3 at K-Bob’s restaurant.

This was a joint presentation by Michalea Perez, operating director of Cornerstone Caregiving, Kenda Sue Trollinger from Interim Health Care, and Greg Southard, director of sales and marketing at Wheatfields.

Each guest speaker addressed the type of healthcare their business provides and the difference between the three entities. Listeners were cautioned to think ahead about the care they might need in the future and plan ahead so they are prepared.

CCAER meets the first Tuesday of the month at K-Bob’s restaurant. Lunch is at 11 a.m. The meeting begins at 11:30 a.m.

Our next meeting is scheduled Oct. 1 when our convention delegates will give reports from the New Mexico AER’s 81st state convention scheduled for Las Cruces on Sept. 26-28.

Contact Sandra Bates at 575-714-2491 for information