Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Q&A: New Portales manager is a fix-it kind of guy

Editor's note: This is one in a continuing series of interviews with local officials and community leaders. Chris Moyer is the new city manager in Portales.

Q: Tell us about your background. Where are you from and how did you land in Portales? 

A: I am from Limerick, Pa., about 35 miles outside of Philadelphia.

The Air Force took me all over the globe and then brought me to the area at the end of my 24 years. I liked the town, I liked the people, so I decided to stay.

Q: Your resume shows much of your Air Force career was spent in the maintenance and repair of military aircraft. You've also worked as a wind turbine technician. Does that mean you are also handy around the house?

A: I feel that I am handy around the house; not sure what my wife would say about that though.

I do like a lot of tech things also. 

Q: You like tinkering with all manner of machinery? 

A: I do. I take care of the maintenance on my vehicle and love working on cars. With YouTube, there is not much that I won't try to fix.

Q: You've said you feel like your experience leading Air Force mechanics is a good segue to city management. What do you think will be the hardest transition? 

A: Leading people from all walks of life, different backgrounds and bringing them together for a common goal is a huge part of what I bring to the job.

I think the hardest part of the transition will be learning city and state government rules and regulations.

I have dealt with a lot of federal government rules and regulations, but state and local is different.

Fortunately for me there are a lot of great people working in this city that will make for an easier transition.

Q: Portales' water and infrastructure woes are well documented. Those problems did not occur overnight, but how long do you think it might take to fix them?

A: These issues are well documented. I am not able to give a specific timeframe, but I will tell you that the people that work for this city are working hard and doing the things needed to make sure that we are taking care of the city to the best of our ability.

Q: Is the city still considering privatizing its water delivery? 

A: The city is still in the early stages of this process to determine what is best for our community. 

Q: Where are you in that process? When will a decision be made? 

A: There is no timetable for this decision. There are many things that must happen for a decision to be made, and it is just too early to say.

Q: A couple of fun rapid-fire questions:

What's your theme song? 

A: If you were to see my Spotify library, you would question what kind of music I prefer. I listen to almost every genre of music.

I can't say that I have a theme song, but a song that resonates with me is, "Can't Look Back' by Iration.

Q: What's your idea of a perfect day? 

A: Honestly, I am a little bit of a homebody. I really like working on something during the day and then relaxing and enjoying times with friends and family.

I will add that if I can relax on the beach I will.

Q: All-time favorite TV show? 

A: I am not a TV show-type guy anymore. I watch them, but if I am watching TV, it is mostly sports or movies ... well maybe HGTV (guilty pleasure).

Q: And who's coming to your fantasy dinner party, and what will you be eating? 

A: This is a tough one.

I don't like a lot of company so I would say Jason Kelce, Robin Williams, and Nikola Tesla.

I am going to go with a Gordon Ramsay beef Wellington dish. I have had it before, and it is delicious.

- Compiled by Correspondent Landry Sena

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