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Opinion: Harris has little time to reinvent herself

When a reporter recently asked Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre if she could name a single accomplishment that she could attribute to Vice President Kamala Harris, Jean-Pierre stalled, stuttered and stammered before coming up with the response that Biden-Harris was a “team effort” and should be viewed that way.

Shortly after that exchange, Kamala took steps to distance herself from the Biden half of the team. This became blatantly obvious when former First Lady Michelle Obama, speaking at the Democrat national convention, solemnly intoned that “hope” had returned to America. For hope to return to America, it had to be absent for at least the last four years, and you don’t need to query Google to determine who has been in the White House for the last four years.

This same distancing maneuver materializes whenever Harris promises to correct problems like high prices, open borders, the national debt, or high interest rates. At this point Harris seemingly indicts the man who chose her to be his vice president.

In a similar vein, during her recent interview with CNN, Harris talks about the country’s problems as having surfaced, “during the last decade.” The last decade included six years of Democrat control of the White House. In fact, for 12 of the last 16 years, Democrats were in control.

Democrats are running as if Trump were the incumbent.

I have often pointed out that a Democrat from eastern New Mexico wouldn’t last 10 minutes at a party meeting in San Francisco. Kamala Harris is a child of the San Francisco Democrat party, and for that reason she has to elide, slide and deride all her former beliefs and policies to make her more tolerable to the public in general.

Regardless of what you think about Trump, he is running as Donald J. Trump, openly and honestly, with all his warts. Kamala Harris has less than 60 days to reinvent herself into something she never was.

America finds herself in what Stanford Professor Victor Davis Hanson calls some sort of “zombie presidency” for the next five months. Joe Biden’s party maintains that while he is too debilitated to campaign for the presidency, he is not too demented to continue performing his duties as president. In a twist of fate that only Nemesis would appreciate, Joe is being asked to campaign for Kamala. You would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this.

Rube Render is a former Clovis city commissioner and former chair of the Curry County Republican Party. Contact him:

[email protected]