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Curry to renegotiate events center contract

Curry County will renegotiate its contract with the company managing the Curry County Events Center. But it won't attempt to terminate the agreement as commissioners discussed last month.

At Tuesday's meeting, Commissioner Seth Martin said he's still not happy the Oak View Group 360 exceeded its budget for the last fiscal year.

"If it were up to me, I would escort y'all off the property and have Curry County take over," Martin said. He said commissioners and administrators were "led to believe" the management group was under budget until a final report was delivered on Sept. 24.

Officials said OVG 360 exceeded its budget by about $180,000. The Events Center operated at a loss of $858,000 for the year, though most of that was expected.

Martin asked County Attorney Dan Macke to look into whether OVG 360 breached its contract with the county by exceeding its budget.

"But the important thing," said Commissioner Robert Thornton, "is we instructed (county) management to re-negotiate our contract with OVG 360.

"If we were to just end the contract we would have to give them 30 days notice, they would have 30 days to correct the problem and then we'd have to give them 90 days notice of termination. And their contract ends Jan. 1," Thornton said.

One thing commissioners, county administrators and OVG representatives seemed to agree on: the Events Center is more an equestrian center than a concert venue.

"The Events Center was built as an equestrian deal," Thornton said after the meeting.

Rebecca Bolton and Kevin Ortiz, administrators from OVG 360, appeared before commissioners with plans the company has to rectify the problematic financial issues. And Bolton said the company's equestrian and rodeo events professional will be brought in to work with events center General Manager K. C. Messick.

Ortiz told commissioners, "K. C. is severely understaffed."

Martin reiterated he was interested in cutting losses.

"I'm not trying to make this facility make money. It won't. I would like to see us work together," Martin said of OVG 360 and the county government.

"We are partners and stewards," said Bolton.

Some commissioners expressed support for Messick.

"I believe K.C. was blamed for things he didn't do," Commissioner Dusty Leatherwood said.

"K.C. works his tail off there. And I don't dislike OVG 360," Commissioner Brad Bender said.

"K.C. cares about this place," Thornton said.

"I think we can do better. I think K.C. can do better," Leatherwood added.

Much of the Commission's other business at Tuesday's specially called meeting dealt with more routine matters:

n In a proclamation, commissioners declared Thursday as "Blue Day" in Curry County celebrating Zia Elementary School being named as a "National Blue Ribbon School."

As a "Blue Day," area residents are encouraged to wear blue that day.

• Commissioners unanimously passed a resolution of support for the General Obligation Bond 3 on the Nov. 5 ballot, which contains $2 million for Clovis Community College if voters approve the measure.

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