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NM Senate candidate Nella Domenici answers questions

Nella Domenici, 64, is a Republican New Mexico candidate for the U.S. Senate. She answered questions from the Albuquerque Journal:

Family: Husband, Patrick McDonough; 2 Children, 4 Stepchildren

Education: BA, English Literature, Georgetown University, 1982 JD, Georgetown University Center, Law Night School, 1987 MBA Harvard Business School, High distinction, George F. Baker Scholar (top 5%) 1993

Occupation: Business executive

City of Residence: Santa Fe

Relevant Experience: Collaborative, common sense, bipartisan approach to tackling our problems and helping our state grow and thrive; Caring and understanding of our people; Demonstrating hard work ethic; Started at the bottom and reached the top in the world of finance—mastering budgets, markets, and interest rates; Grew jobs in diverse sectors.

Should the federal government pass any new regulations on abortion or new protections for abortion access?

I oppose a national abortion ban. New Mexico has decided its position on abortion; I will abide by that decision.

I trust and respect women. Abortion should be safe, legal and rare. I will focus on preventing unintended pregnancies because approximately one in three unintended pregnancies end in abortion.

Do you support or oppose protecting access to in vitro fertilization?

Support. There is no disappointment greater than learning that one is not able to have a baby. IVF provides hope and options; Provides opportunity for a successful pregnancy and healthy baby for women who would otherwise be unable to have a child; provides others flexibility about when to start a family.

How can the federal government improve its response to wildfires and wildfire recovery?

Will create a Fire Defense Task Force with national experts. Prohibit controlled burns on windy, red flag warning days.

Agency personnel should learn from the best public lands stewards — Native Americans, ranchers, and land grant heirs. Encourage timbering, and wood gathering to reduce fuel load in forests.

What is your position regarding climate change? What actions should Congress take, if any, regarding the environment?

My objective is affordable, reliable, abundant and cleanest energy; Focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, not eliminating specific sources.

Supports “all-of-the-above” approach to energy ensuring the renewable transition is sensible, orderly, and achievable; Supports oil and gas industry, and common-sense, technological solutions and opposes clean car and other mandates.

Do you believe the borders are secure enough? If not, what do you propose to increase security? Do you support or oppose building a wall at the southern border?

Border is insecure because of Martin Heinrich's open border policy. Elect Nella. Finish the wall. Install screening technology for all vehicles; Reinstate “Stay in Mexico;”

End catch and release; Tighten asylum process; Bolster funding for Border Patrol; Comprehensive, bipartisan and fair immigration reform; Deport criminals and terrorists; Enact temporary worker program.

What is the most pressing issue facing New Mexico?

Heinrich's failed leadership and policies on crime. Imperative to fire Heinrich and elect Nella.

End DOJ Consent Decree; Reinstate Qualified Immunity; Support law enforcement; End catch and release bail system; Address addiction, mental health, poor education, and poverty that contribute to criminal behavior; Promote rehabilitation and reduce recidivism.

How could the federal government help New Mexicans with the rising cost of living?

Average New Mexico family income is low. Groceries, gas and home prices have been rising dramatically. This puts a tight squeeze on families.

Biggest causes of inflation are Martin Heinrich's: (i) Excessive federal spending (ii) Restrictive energy policies. Nella will fight to reverse inflationary policies.

Federal spending plays an important role in New Mexico's economy. What should be done to increase other economic drivers here?

We need a leader like Nella who understands businesses. To diversify our economy we must improve basic and vocational education, reduce crime and consider tax incentives to entice companies and employees; Create targeted programs in areas like AI, Biotech, and light manufacturing while growing existing strong and important sectors.

The House of Representatives has struggled to pass a federal budget in recent years, and the partisan divide continues to intensify. What would be your approach to working with members of the other party?

Growing up I watched my father (Pete Domenici) work with Democrats to solve the nation's important problems. Everyone's ideas should be welcome and people should be respectful.

Bipartisanship creates legitimacy, durability and results in a better solution. In my philanthropic work I have practiced bipartisanship and will do so in the Senate.

What should be done at the federal level to address the crisis of opioid addiction?

Heinrich's open border policies flooded us with Fentanyl (synthetic opioid); Nella will: Curtail supply by securing the border using sophisticated drug-detection technology; Enhanced penalties for drug trafficking; Aggressive, education campaign regarding Fentanyl dangers; Resources for treatment facilities and councilors; Break addiction cycle by improving child and teen wellbeing, and education.

Do you support new ethics rules for the Supreme Court? Do you support or oppose expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court?

I believe in the separation of powers. Therefore, it should be up to the Court to decide if and what ethics rules to impose. I do not support expanding the number of Justices.

Should the United States continue to offer military aid to Ukraine?

Yes. However, there must be a strategy to win the war that includes accountability and transparency for the aid provided.

Biden/Harris administration has only provided enough aid for a stalemate — not a Ukrainian victory. Ukrainians are halting Putin's ambition to restore the former Soviet Union. We should support Ukraine.

What role should the United States play in the Israel-Hamas war? Do you support a ceasefire, and if so, how should the U.S. government move toward that goal?

Israel, our closest Middle East ally, was brutally attacked by terrorists wanting to destroy them, and bring death to Americans. I support Israel's right to self-defense; Israel should decide ceasefire terms when the hostages are freed.

Humanitarian aid should be provided. Heinrich is among the least supportive of our ally.

Why do you want to serve in Congress?

New Mexico is in crisis. Martin Heinrich's radical Progressive policies have destroyed our state. Even so, we are a state with many special qualities.

As your Senator I will use my experience to build upon our strengths while addressing cost of living, safety, health, and education failures. First, fire Heinrich.

Anything else you would like to add?

Honesty and integrity are important traits. Martin Heinrich is dishonest and lies about my position regarding abortion.

I oppose a National ban on abortion.

He has lied about my deep roots and commitment to New Mexico and my allegiance to American values. For twenty years, Heinrich led our state's decline.