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Letter to the editor - Nov. 24

Deportations only mean less money for Social Security

I am writing to take issue with a specific comment attributed to Republican Party Chair Steve Pearce, printed in the Eastern New Mexico News on Nov. 13.

In explaining why he believes Democrats’ concerns over losing Social Security is a “scam,” he states, “If Trump is able to secure the border and return people to their homeland, that will cut leakage out of Social Security.”

In fact, the opposite is true.

Many, if not most, undocumented workers are paid via a paycheck in the United States. Out of that paycheck come taxes and Social Security, neither of which can ever be claimed by the undocumented worker. This money goes into the U.S. treasury and cannot be claimed, even retroactively, even if the worker later establishes citizenship in the U.S.

The deportation of large numbers of undocumented workers will not only result in a shortage of workers who support the infrastructure of the United States, but it will also result in a lack of revenue to the U.S., both in taxes and in Social Security.

Democrats should be alarmed, and so should Republicans.

After the Baby Boom years, there are now fewer workers to pay into Social Security. Our undocumented workers make up some of that difference. Without them, Social Security stands to lose more revenue, and we all stand to lose that protection in our retirement.

Geni Flores
