Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Freshman senator learns way around

Freshman Sen. Pat Boone, R-Elida, says he's "doing fine" in Santa Fe in the opening days of the 2025 legislative session.

"I'm just not getting enough rest, but it's getting better," he said.

Boone in June defeated two opponents to earn the Republican nomination for the Senate District 27 seat long held by Portales' Stuart Ingle, who retired a year ago. He represents Chaves, Curry, De Baca, Lea and Roosevelt counties.

He ran unopposed in November and now begins the work he believes he's qualified to do "because of my ties to the ag world," he told The News soon after his election. He has lived and ranched in the Portales area for 51 years.

"Opening day there was so much to do," Boone said about the opening of the 60-day session on Jan. 21. "Wednesday (Jan. 22), things slowed down," he said.

Boone said his wife was with him opening week but she had to get back home.

"I'm batching it this week," Boone said.

Boone said his "big days" are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

"Both of my committees are on those days. The Education Committee met for the first time Monday.

The Health and Public Affairs Committee hasn't met yet because the chairman has been sick," Boone said.

Boone said his name is on several bills, though he hasn't introduced them yet.

"I've signed on to three or four bills with (area Sen.) Pat Woods," Boone said.

Boone said one bill he's promoting has been brought up for several years but never reached committee.

"It calls for a (national) states convention. It's related to the U.S. Constitution," Boone said.

Two other bills he's sponsoring both deal with New Mexico Livestock Board issues.

As for Santa Fe life, Boone is struck by the number of homeless people in The City Different.

"It's alarming to me. Back home it seems we have just a few homeless, but in Santa Fe they're everywhere," Boone said.

Boone said he's anticipating legislation dealing with the homeless and behavioral health.

He described his home for the next few weeks in Santa Fe as a "little casita" on Guadalupe Street.

"It's only about seven or eight blocks from The Roundhouse. It's close enough to walk but it's been too cold. If it was warmer I'd put on my tennis shoes and walk there," Boone said.